the said Charles Dashiell, of Charles, or his order, for
the purpose aforesaid.
An act for the relief of Elizabeth Christopher, of
Worcester county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the justices of the Levy Court
of Worcester county, shall be authorised, and they are
hereby directed and empowered, at their Levy Court an
nually, so long as they shall see cause, to levy on the as-
sessable property of said county, a sum of money not ex-
ceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance
of Elizabeth Christopher, of said county; and the same,
when collected, shall be paid by the collector of said
county, to the said Elizabeth Christopher, or her order,
for the purpose aforesaid.
Passed Dec.
22, 1813.
Levy of 30
doll's, for her
An act for the benefit of James Galbreath, of Cecil
WHEREAS James Galbreath, of Cecil county, by
his petition to this General Assembly, hath represented
that he emigrated to, and settled in this state, and since
his emigration and settlement as aforesaid, hath acquired
veal property therein; and likewise, that he is a native
of Ireland, and hath not been naturalised, agreeably to
the laws of the United States; but signified his intention
to do so, by an application to the County Court afore-
said, at September term last; and that he cannot hold,
or dispose of said property, without the interference of
the legislature: Therefore,
Passed Dec.
22, 1813.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the title of the real property, law-
fully and fairly acquired, by the aforesaid James Gal-
breath, whether such title be derived by gift, grant, pur-
chase or devise, be, and the same is hereby as amply,
and as fully vested in the aforesaid James Galbreath, and
his heirs forever, as if the said James Galbreath had be-
come naturalized, agreeably to the laws of the United
Title to pro-
perty confirm-
States, before the acquiring such real property: Provided
always. That nothing herein contained, shall in any man-
ner defeat or affect any right, title or claim to the said
property, or any part thereof, lawfully acquired by any
person or persons whatever, before the passage of this
act. And provided also, That unless the said James Gal-
breath shall continue to proceed according to law, to be-
come a citizen of the United States, this act shall have no
effect to confirm his title to the property acquired as afore-
said; but if the said James Galbreath, shall die before
the time when, by the laws of the United States, he might
become a citizen thereof, nothing in this proviso con-
tained, shall prevent him from transmitting or transfer-