and the several supplements thereto, regulating the
made in which a sale or division of and held in undivid-
ed right may be made under the authority of the proper
court for the benefit of the respective parties entitled
thereto, in the same manner as if the tile to the said tract
of land called Hog Range had descended to the said
Mary Ann, Eliza and Frances Johnson as heirs at law of
the said Thomas Johnson junr. deceased.
Dec. Sess.
An act to make public a road in Somerset county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the road in somerset county,
leading from Jasiah Broughton's through the land of La-
zarus Cottman, and from thence to continue such route
as shall be ascertained and agreed upon by Littleton
Dennis Senr. Isaac M. Adams and Lazarus Cottman, or
any two of them until the said road shall intersect the
main road leading from Princess Anne to Stephen's fer-
ry, be, and the same is hereby declared, deemed and ta-
ken to be a public road for ever, and shall be kept up
and repaired as other public, roads are in said county.
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
Road declar-
ed public.
An act to authorise the levy court of Baltimore county,
to levy and assess a sum of money for the purposes
therein mentioned.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Baltimore
county be, and they are hereby authorised and directed,
to levy and assess on the assessable property of Balti-
more county, a sum of money not exceeding twenty-five
hundred dollars, to be appropriated to the completion of
a wall around the jail of Baltimore county, and the
building of the Porter's Lodge thereto adjoining, accor-
ding to the provisions of the act passed at November
session one thousand eight hundred and twelve, entitled,
a further additional supplement to the act entitled, an act
for building a new jail in Baltimore county.
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
$2500 may
be levied to
complete the
wall round the
jail, &c.
An act declaring the river Susquehanna to be a public
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That in consideration of the act of the
legislature of Pennsylvania, passed the nineteenth day
of February eighteen hundred and one, entitled, an act
to incorporate a company for the purpose of cutting and
making a canal between the river Delaware and Chesa-
peake bay, and to authorise the clearing of obstructions
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
Declared a
public high-
way. Obstruc-
tions to navi-