An act for the benefit of William Clark, of Montgomery county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for William Clark of Montgomery coun-
ty, a native of Ireland, to have and to hold, possess and enjoy all
real property heretofore acquired by him, by marriage, purchase
or otherwise; or which may hereafter be acquired by him in the
same manner, and to all intents and purposes, as he would or could
do, if at the time of such marriage or purchase he had been a na-
Dec. Ses. 1824
Passed Jan.
25, 1825.
to hold pro-
tural born citizen of the United States; provided always that no-
thing in this act contained, shall in any manner defeat or effect any
right, title or claim, to any such property, or any part thereof, ac-
quired or prosecuted by any person or persons whatsoever, before
the passage of this act: And provided also, that the said William
Clark shall, within twelve months after his being capable of becom-
ing a citizen, naturalize himself agreeably to the laws of the Uni-
ted states; but if the said William Clark should die before the pe-
riod herein allowed for his being naturalized, the real property
which he may have purchased or acquired, shall, nevertheless,
pass to his legal representatives in the same manner as if he had be-
come naturalised.
Further pro-
A supplement to an act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Trustees, of the
Westminster General Meeting House, in Frederick county."
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the pre-
sident of the board of trustees of the Westminster General Meet-
ing-House, be, and they are hereby required, under a penalty of
twenty dollars for every neglect or refusal, to make out upon the
application of any stockholder, a copy of the proceedings of the
said board of trustees, or a list of the holders of stock, and to give
any other information attainable by an examination of the books of
of said board of trustees.
Passed Jan.
19, 1825.
Duty requir-
An additional supplement to the act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the
Trustees of the Westminster General Meeting-House, in Frederick county."
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
penalties which may he incurred under the supplement to the act
entitled, "An Act to incorporate the trustees of the Westminster
General Meeting-House in Frederick county," passed at the pre-
sent session of the General Assembly of Maryland, shall be reco-
verable in the same manner that small debts are now recovered out
of court, the one half of such penalty or penalties to be paid to
the informer, and the other half to be applied by the trustees of the
said Westminster General Meeting-House, to the use of the church
or school-house.
Passed Jan
28, 1825.
Penalties re-
covered and
A supplement to an act-entitled, An Act to increase the pay of the Judges
of the Orphans Court, for the several counties therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from
and after the passage of this act, each judge of the orphans court
of Cecil county, shall be, and he is hereby entitled to receive three
dollars for every day's attendance and no more, any thing in the
Passed Jan.
31, 1825.
$3 per day.