Dec. Ses. 1824
place of abode, under the penalty of four dollars on the clerk or
sheriff respectively neglecting herein, to be recovered before any
single magistrate, as in case of small debts, to the use of the
Duties and
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the bailiff so appointed in vir-
tue of this act, shall be an inhabitant of said village; and that he
shall be obliged to execute all warrants and precepts to him direct-
ed; and to prevent the tumultuous and disorderly meeting of
slaves and negroes, within the said village, and within the limits
of three miles of the said village; and to punish, with moderate
correction, under the direction of any justice of the peace, all
such negro and other slaves, as shall be found wandering or stroll-
ing about the streets in the night time, or frequenting the houses
of other persons, within the limits aforesaid, without the permis-
sion or consent of their masters, mistresses or overseers; and such
bailiff shall and may have, take, exact and receive, such fees as
the law in such case has directed.
Passed Jan.
13, 1825.
chapter 29.
An Act to Incorporate Emmittsburg in Frederick county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of 'Mary-
land, That the town of Emmittsburg and Shields addition to Em-
mittsburg, shall be, and is hereby constituted an incorporate town;
and the inhabitants thereof, constituted a body politic and incor-
porate, by the name of the Burgess and Commissioners of Em-
mittsburg; and as such shall have perpetual succession, and by
their corporate name, may sue and be sued, implead and be im-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the taxable limits of said town,
shall be as follow: Beginning on the road, leading from Baltimore
to Emmittsburg, at the southeast corner of lot number one hun-
dred and four, in the plan of Emmittsburg, as recorded in the
land records of Frederick county; and running thence in a north-
easterly direction with the boundary line of Emmittsburg, until
the said line strikes Flat Run, at the southeast corner of lot num-
ber one hundred and eighty seven; thence up Flat Run, until it
strikes the road leading from Gettysburg to Emmittsburg, at the
northeast corner of lot number one hundred and seventy-eight;
thence in a straight line, and the nearest direction, until it strikes
a small stream which passes through Patrick Lowe's meadow;
thence up the bed of said stream, until it strikes the road, leading
from Emmittsburg to Waynesburg; thence in a straight line to
the southwest corner of Doctor, Robert L. Annan's barn; thence
in a straight line to the southwest corner of a lot not numbered,
adjoining lot number sixty-four, in the plan of Emmittsburg;
thence with the boundary line of Emmittsburg to the place of be-
ginning, including Emmittsburg, as it stands in the plan upon re-
cord, Shield's addition to Emmittsburg, and lots of Bernard
Welty, Henry Rickenbaugh, John Black, Doctor L. Annan and
Election of
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the free white male citizens of
Emmittsburg aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one years and up-
wards, and having resided six months in the said town, next pre-