2. And be it enacted, That the said company and their succes-
sors by the aforesaid name, shall forever hereafter, be able and
capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer
and be answered, defend and be defended, in all or any court of
justice whatsoever, and also to have, make and use a common seal,
and the same to break, alter end renew at pleasure, and to assemble
and meet at such times and places as they may agree upon, and to
ordain, establish and put in execution, such by-laws, ordinances
and regulations as to them shall seem conducive to the interest of
the said company, and necessary to the good government and or-
derly management thereof, the same not being contrary to the laws
of this state or of the United Stairs; and generally to do and exe-
cute all such acts, matters and things as to them shall or may ap-
pertain to do.
Dec. Ses. 1824
An act to repeal an act, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
seventeen, preventing Swine and Geese from going at large in the Town of
Rockville, Montgomery County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the act,
entitled, "An act to prevent swine and geese going at large in the
Town of Rockville, Montgomery county," passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and seventeen, be, and the same is here-
by repealed.
Passed Jan.
11, 1825.
An Act for the relief of Christian Brining of Washington county.
lie it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Christian Brining of Washington county, be, and he is hereby
empowered to purchase and hold real property in this state, and
the same to transfer or transmit by deed, devise or desent, in the
same manner as he might, if he were now regularly naturalized
agreeably to the laws of the United States, regulating the natu-
ralization of foreigners.
Passed Jan.
13, 1825.
May hold pro-
An Act to repeal an act, relating to the removal of Criminal Causes in Balti-
more city and county court, passed at December Session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-one, chapter two hundred and forty-four.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
act entitled, An Act relating to the removal of criminal causes in
Baltimore city and county court, passed at December Session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter two hundred and forty-
four, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Jan.
13, 1825.
An Act to empower the Levy Court of Dorchester county, to appoint a
bailiff for the town of Vienna, in said county-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Levy Court of Dorchester county, at their annual meeting, shall
appoint a bailiff for the village of Vienna; and that the county
cleric shall signify such appointment, under his hard, and deliver the
same to the sheriff, within five days after such appointment; and
the sheriff shall, within ten days after such delivery, deliver the
same to the person so appointed, or leave the name a his usual
Passed Jan
11, 1825.
and proceed-