or affirmed faithfully to execute and discharge the duties imposed
upon them by this act, proceed to assess and value the damages
which may be sustained by any person or persons by reason of re-
moving the projection of said building beyond the regular south
line of Water street, and shall apportion the whole damage
amongst the persons benefitted by such removal of the said pro-
jection, and such extension of the width of said Water street in
the square between South street, and South Calvert street as afore-
said, and shall also declare what sum of money each individual
benefitted thereby, shall respectively contribute and pay towards
compensating the person or persons injured by opening and extend-
in the said street as aforesaid, and the names of the persons, and
the sums of money which they shall be respectively obliged to
pay, and the time within which it is to be paid, not in any extent to
exceed sixty days, shall be returned under the hands and seals of
the said commissioners or a majority of them, to the register of
the city of Baltimore, to be filed and' kept in his office, and the
persons benefitted by the proposed alteration of the said street,
and assessed as aforesaid, shall respectively pay the sums of mo-
ney so charged and assessed to the collector of the city of Balti-
more on demand.
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the collector
of the city court of Baltimore, and he is hereby authorised at and
upon the expiration of the time limited by the return of the com-
missioners aforesaid, for the payment of the said suras of money
assessed and charged as aforesaid, to demand payment of the same
by giving ten days notice in one or more newspapers printed in the
city of Baltimore to the persons interested to pay the same, and
in default of such payment, he is hereby authorised upon ten
days notice as aforesaid, to sell the property of such persons ben-
efitted thereby, as shall neglect to pay, and after deducting the
amount of the sum due by such person with interest, and the ex-
penses of advertising, and of the sale and a commission of six per
cent for his own trouble, he shall pay the balance over to the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, for the benefit of the person or per-
sons entitled to receive the same; and he shall execute a deed for
the property to the purchaser or purchasers, which shall be good and
available in law to pass the fee simple estate in the same; and the
said collector shall in all cases in which he may receive moneys
from the persons benefitted as aforesaid, or by sale as aforesaid,
pay over the same on demand to the mayor and city council of
Baltimore for the benefit of the persons entitled to receive it, af-
ter first deducting a commission of three per centum, which he is
hereby authorised to charge.
4. And be it enacted, That the sums of money so assessed and
charged as herein before directed, to each individual benefitted
by opening and extending said street, shall be a lien upon and hind
all the property so benefitted to the full amount thereof.
5. And be it enacted, That the street aforesaid shall not be al-
tered in the manner above proposed, until the damages by each
person sustained and assessed as aforesaid, shall be first paid to
the person or persons entitled to receive the same, or until the as-.
Dec. Ses. 1824
City collec-
tor to proceed.
Payment or
assent requi-