Dec. Ses. 1823.
and equipments belonging to the state, within his district, subject to
do militia duty, under his command, annually, on or before the twen-
tieth day of October, and to deliver the same to the commanders of
battalions or extra battalions of infantry, or squadrons of cavalry, as
the case may be, and on refusal or neglect to do the same, shall be
cashiered, or punished by fine not exceeding thirty dollars, at the dis-
Battalion re-
cretion of a regimental court martial; and it shall be the duty of the
commanders of such battalions or extra battalions of infantry, or squa-
drons of cavalry, as the case may be, to make out and deliver to the
commanders of regiments to which they are attached or belong, an-
nually, on or before the first day of November, a complete return of
all the officers and men under their commands within their districts,
and the condition and number of their arms and equipments belong-
ing to the state; and on refusal or neglect to do the same as herein di-
rected, shall be cashiered or punished by fine not exceeding fifty dol-
lars, at the discretion of a brigade court martial.
7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commanders
of regiments within this state, both infantry and cavalry, to make out
and deliver to the brigadier-general commanding the district to which
they belong, annually, on or before the tenth day of November, a
complete and full return of all the officers and men, and the condition
and number of their arms and equipments belonging to the state, un-
der their command, and on neglect or refusal to do the same, he shall
be cashiered or punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars,
at the discretion of a brigade court martial; and it shall be the duty of
the brigadier-general to make out a return of the same to the adjutant
general of this state, on or before the first Monday of December, an-
Blanks to be
8. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the adjutant gen-
eral of this state, annually, to forward to each of the brigadier-gene-
rals, colonels and majors of extra battalions, the blanks necessary to
enable them to comply with the provisions of this act.
of Allegany
9. And be it enacted, That the militia of Allegany county shall be
exempt from the operations of this law only so far as is provided for
by the twenty-ninth section of the militia law, passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and eleven, and the supplement of eighteen
hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and thirty-six, and they
shall also be exempt from the drilling of the officers as directed in
this law.
Acts repeal-
10. And be it enacted. That all that part of the forty-first section of
the original act to which this is a supplement, which requires consta-
bles to give bonds to the commanding officers of companies for the
collection of fines and forfeitures imposed by company court martials,
be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that all the provisions of said
original act, which are repugnant to the provisions of this act, be, and
the same are hereby repealed.
Removal of
field officers.
11. And be it enacted, That any field officer hereafter removing
out of the district of his regiment, with an intention of making a per-
manent charge of his residence, shall, on such removal, be deemed to
have resigned his commission, and it shall be the brigadier generals
duty to make such vacancy known to the Governor and Council as
soon thereafter as convenient.
ed officers to
report them-
12. And be it enacted, '1 hat it shall he the duty of each and every
commissioned officer of this state, within six months from and after
the passage of this act, to report himself to the adjutant-general, by