Laws of maryland.
of all the commissioned officers attached to his regiment or extra bat-
talion, at some central place thereof, on such days as are hereafter
provided for by this act, and there drill and instruct, or cause said
officers to be drilled and instructed, in all the necessary duties of a
soldier, and to adopt the manoeuvres and discipline as established tor
the army of the United States; and any field officer neglecting or re-
fusing to attend any of said meetings, shall be fined in a sum not ex-
Dec. Ses. 1823
ceeding twenty dollars, nor less than five dollars, (at the discretion
of a brigade court martial,) for every such neglect, unless he ran give
a reasonable excuse; and any company or staff officer neglecting or
refusing to attend any of said meetings, shall be fined, at the discre-
tion of a regimental or extra battalion court martial, in a sum not ex-
ceeding ten dollars nor less than two dollars, for every such neglect,
unless he can give a reasonable excuse; and all officers, who by this
Penalty for
section are required to attend said meetings, shall appear in uniform,
and with side arms, under a penalty of five dollars for every neglect
or refusal; which fines and forfeitures shall be collected as other fines
of a similar nature are directed to be collected by the act to which this
is a supplement, and shall be paid over to the respective paymasters
of the regiments and extra battalions, to which such delinquents shall
Shall appear
in uniform.
2. And be it enacted, That the time of meeting for the commis-
sioned officers of regiments or extra battalions, shall be on the second
Saturday in April and August, annually, at ten o'clock, A. M.: the bat-
talion musters on the third Saturday in May for the first battalion,
and the fourth Saturday in May for the second battalion, annually, at
ten o'clock, A. M.
Days of mee-
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of every commandant
of a company to cause to be delivered, on or before the first day of
April, annually, to every person in his company district subject to
militia duty, a written or printed notice of the time and place of the
company meetings, and company courts martial, for the ensuing year,
and this shall be considered due and sufficient notice; and any private
neglecting or refusing to attend such meetings, after such due notice
Notice of
meetings and
given him, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding two dollars, nor less
than fifty cents, at the discretion of a company court martial, for every
such neglect or refusal.
Fine for not
4. And be it enacted, That the fines and forfeitures imposed by
company court martial, when collected, shall be applied, under the
direction of the commanding officer of the respective to companies, to
and for the use of the respective companies in which the same may
be collected, and that in no case shall the commandants of companies
remit the fines imposed by such courts martial.
3. And be it enacted, That upon the non-payment of any fine or
forfeitures imposed by this act, or the act to which this is a supple-
ment, by any person or delinquent, it shall be the duty of the consta-
ble of the district or hundred wherein such delinquent resides, after
thirty days notice given to such delinquent, which nonce shall be
given by such constable within thirty days alter he shall have receiv-
ed such fine or forfeiture for collection, to collect the same by war-
rant and judgment from any justice of the peace of the county where-
in the parties may reside.
of monies.
Fines shall
not be remit-
of fines.
6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the commanders
of companies of infantry and cavalry, to make out a complete return
of all the officers and men and the condition and number of their arms
Annual re-
turns of men
and arms.