Jetter, post paid, and all officers who shall not so report themselves,
shall be considered as having resigned their commissions, and shall
be stricken from the rolls: Provided, this supplement shall have been
published once a week for six weeks in all the newspapers of the state
and the National Intelligencer; and it shall be the duty of the clerk
of the Council to notify the commanders of regiments and extra bat-
talions, of the names of such officers who have been stricken from the
colls as this law directs.
Dec. Ses. 1823
13. And be it enacted, That this act shall not he construed to extend
to the militia of the city of Baltimore, nor shall any persons who are
now attached to and in the habit of duty in any volunteer uniformed
company in this state, be liable to be enrolled under the provisions of
this act, as long as they continue in such uniform company.
Militia of
Baltimore &
uniform vol-
unteers ex-
An act relating to Salted Fish brought to the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mart/land, That
it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to land Salted
Fish for inspection or storage, on any public wharf, or with the con-
sent of the owner, on any private wharf, in the city of Baltimore, ex-
cept from the first day of May to the first day of November, in each
and every year; and that from the first day of May to the first day
of November, every merchant dealing in fish in the city of Baltimore
be allowed to have in his warehouse, or on his premises, at one time,
thirty-six barrels of merchantable fish, and no more.
2. And he it enacted, That the keeper of the public store house in
the city of Baltimore, be compelled to give a receipt for the number of
barrels or half barrels of fish landed at the public store house as soon
as they are inspected and coopered, when they are left to be stored, and
that no storage shall be charged or exacted when the party who has
the charge of them, demands their removal to the city before three
o'clock of the afternoon of the day on which they are landed and in-
spected, or if the owner takes them into his own. or any other vessel
not belonging to said fish house on the day they are inspected before
five o'clock in the afternoon, he shall not be subject to any storage or
scow hire
Passed Feb.
25, 1824.
Receipts for.
3 And be it enacted, That if the keeper of the said public store
house refuse to give a receipt as above mentioned, or to comply with
any of the provisions of this act, he shall forfeit and pay one hundred
dollars for every such refusal or neglect, one half to be paid to the
party injured, and the other half to the state, to be recovered in the
name of the state by action of debt in Baltimore county court.
An act provided for the Printing of the Laws and Votes and Proceedings of the
present session of the Legislature.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Executive be, and they are hereby authorised to contract upon the
best terms for the Printing of the Laws and the Votes and Proceed-
ings of the present Session of the Legislature, in the same manner
they have heretofore been printed, and that they require of the person
with whom they may contract, the same obligations for the faithful
performance of the duty which have been usually required of the
printer to the state, and the sum to be allowed shall not exceed twelve
hundred dollars.
Passed Feb.
25, 1824.