ty shall be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of the tax
for said counties, and the commissioners are hereby authorised and
empowered to carry into full effect and operation all the provisions
of this act, and the act of eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, an
act for the valuation of real and personal property in the several
counties of this state.
Dec. Ses. 1823
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the benefit of the trustees of Garri-
son Forest Academy, and the Franklin Academy, in Baltimore County.
Whereas, by the original act to which this is a supplement, a do-
nation of eight hundred dollars was granted to Garrison Forest Aca-
demy, and Franklin Academy, in Baltimore county, to be equally di-
vided between them; and whereas another Academy has since been
incorporated in Baltimore county, called St. James' Academy, the
trustees of which by their petition pray that they may have an equal
portion of said donation, and the same being reasonable;—Therefore,
Passed Feb.
24, 1824.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
money appropriated by the original act to the two Academies therein
mentioned shall hereafter be equally divided amongst the three afore-
said Academics, that is Garrison Forest Academy, the Franklin
Academy, and St. James Academy, and the treasurer of the western
shore is hereby authorised and directed to pay the said donation to
the trustees thereof or their order.
An act for the relief of the Collectors of the Direct Tax in the several counties
in this State.
Whereas, it is enacted, by the third section of the act, entitled, an
act to provide a revenue for the support of the government of this
state, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-two,
chapter one hundred and thirty-nine, that it shall be the duty of the
several collectors to pay the sums to be by them collected, on or be-
fore the first day of December, in the same year that the same shall
be levied: And whereas, it is also enacted by the fifth section of the
said act, that the Levy Courts of the several counties of this state,
shall meet on or before the first Monday in June to levy and assess
the sums mentioned in the said act: And whereas, it is represented to
this General Assembly that the laws were not distributed through the
state in time for the several Levy courts to meet and comply with the
provisions of the aforesaid act—Therefore,
Money how
Passed Feb.
23, 1824.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the several collector's bonds taken by the Levy courts of the several
counties in this state, shall, and are hereby considered and made as
valid and binding in law to every intent and purpose as if the direct tax
had been levied and assessed, and the said bonds had been executed
in the month of May, as is prescribed by the act of eighteen hundred
and twenty-three, chapter one-hundred and thirty-nine.
Bonds made
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of such collectors to
pay into the Treasury of the Eastern or Western Shores, as the case
may be, the sum to be by them collected on or before the first day of
May, eighteen hundred and twenty-tour.
Payment by
the 1st May.
3. And be it enacted, That so much of the act entitled, an act to pro-
vide a revenue for the support of the government of this state, as is
contrary to the provisions of this act, be, and the same is hereby re-