An act for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several counties therein men-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Levy Courts of Saint Mary's, Charles, Montgomery, Anne-Arundel,
Prince George's, Worcester, Caroline, Kent, Queen Ann's, Calvert,
and Cecil Counties, be, and they are hereby severally authorised
and empowered at their annual meeting, so long as they shall see
cause so to do, to assess and levy on the assessable property of said
counties for the use of the several persons hereinafter mentioned the
sums of money annexed to their respective names, viz: In Saint Ma-
ry's County, for Margaret Tippet, thirty dollars; for Ann Jones,
thirty dollars; for Juliet Owings, thirty dollars; for Jemima Floyd,
thirty dollars; for Elizabeth Graves, thirty dollars, pax able to them-
selves or their orders respectively. In Charles County, for Nancy
Cox, thirty dollars; for James W. Reeves, thirty dollars; for James
Hill, thirty dollars; for Mary Goodrick Martin, thirty dollars, paya-
ble to themselves or their orders respectively. In Montgomery
County, for John Barnes thirty dollars; for Henry Gettings, thirty
dollars; for Hester Case, thirty dollars; for Susanna Murphey, thirty
dollars; for Cassander Sims, twenty dollars; for William Dewley,
twenty dollars; for Ann Dewley, twenty dollars; for Thomas Barnes,
twenty-five dollars, and for Susanna Barnes, twenty-five dollars; for
Sarah Graves, thirty dollars, and for William Stewart, thirty dollars,
payable to themselves or their orders respectively. In Anne-Arundel
County, for the infant children of Matilda Simmons, thirty dollars,
payable, to Benjamin Griffin, of said County, for their use; for Ann
Reeves and Mary Philips, to be paid to Robert Welsh, for their use,
twenty-dollars each, Sarah Ann Carr and Eleanor Carr, ten dollars
each, to be paid to their aunt Eleanor Warfield, or to their order for
their use; Fielder Thompson, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, Sa-
rah Marriott, Tomsey Cole, Ann Stewart, Sarah Night, John Fore-
man, and Mary Howard, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars each;
and for the support of Jehosaphat M'Cauly, Ann White, Joseph Cole,
and Benjamin Horner, each a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars, paya-
ble severally to the said persons, or to their respective orders. In
Prince George's County, for Jeremiah Mitchel, thirty dollars; for
Jacob J. Brown, twenty dollars, for Elizabeth Wood, twenty dollars;
for Ann Wood, twenty dollars; for John Hinton, twenty dollars, and
for John Grimes, thirty dollars, payable to themselves or their orders
respectively. In Worcester County, for Philip Wabdell, thirty dol-
lars, and for Elizabeth Waters, thirty dollars, payable to themselves
Passed Feb.
21, 1824.