Dec. Ses. 1823
ed to praised by the act to which this is an additional supplement, it
shall and may be lawful to raise by the scheme or schemes of a lot-
tery, the sum of eighty thousand dollars, to he invested in such man-
ner as the visitors and governors from time to time shall think pro-
per, and the annual interest, proceeds or profits thereof to be applied
to the uses of the college as the visitors may direct
Original act.
2. And be it enacted, That the said visitors shall be, and they are
hereby declared, entitled to the benefit of the said original act, and the
supplement thereto, in the same manner as if the original act had au-
thorised the raising of the sum of eighty thousand dollars instead of
thirty thousand dollars.
New mode of
3. And whereas, A new mode of drawing lotteries has been intro-
duced, and it may be doubtful whether Washington and Saint John's
College's are authorised by the present acts of assembly to cause
their lotteries to be drawn according to such new mode; Be it enacted,
That the visitors and governors of Washington college and Saint
Johns College respectively, or any person or person's who have con-
tracted for or purchased, or may hereafter contract for or purchase
the right to the scheme or schemes of a lottery or lotteries authoris-
ed to be drawn for their benefit respectively, shall be at liberty to
form, adopt and draw a scheme or schemes of said lotteries or any
of them in such mode and upon such principle as shall or may be
approved of by the Governor and Chancellor of the state, of Mary-
Passed Feb.
19, 1824.
good for three
An act relating to Executions.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That on all
judgments hereafter to be rendered in any county court or by any jus-
tice of the peace in this state, or in the court of appeals, a fieri facias
or capias ad satisfaciendum may issue at any time within three years,
from the date of such judgments.
Passed Feb.
22, 1824.
Bonds to be
An act relating to the Treasurers of the State on the Eastern and Western
Shore, the Clerks of the Court of Appeals, the Clerks of the several County
Courts, the Clerk of the City Court of Baltimore, the Register in Chancery,
and the Registers of Wills in the several counties of this state.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That .
on the first day of August next, and on or before the first day of Au-
gust in every second year thereafter, the treasurers of the state on
each shore, the clerks of the court of appeals, the clerks of the several
county courts, the clerk of the city court of Baltimore, the register
in chancery, and the registers of wills of the several counties in this
state, be, and they are hereby required to renew the several bonds
now given by them to the state with sufficient sureties, the bond to
be executed by the treasurers, to be approved by the Governor and
Council for the time being, the bonds executed by the clerks of the
court of appeals to be approved by the judges of the court of appeals,
the bonds to be executed by the clerks of the county courts, to be ap-
proved by the judges thereof, the bond to be executed by the clerk of
the city court of Baltimore, to be approved by the judges thereof,
the bond to be executed by the register in chancery to be approved
by the chancellor, and the bonds to be executed by the registers of
wills, to be approved by the judges of the orphans' court, and the
said bonds so as aforesaid to be executed shall be recorded in the
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