2. And be it enacted, That any property acquired by the said Re-
becca Lendenberger as aforesaid, shall only be liable for such debts
as may be contracted for by her, and any person or persons to whom
she may become indebted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to the same
remedy against her by suit or otherwise as if she were a feme sole;
Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to enable
Frederick Lindenberger the husband of the said Rebecca, to convey,
assign or transfer to her directly or indirectly, any property, rights or
claims, which he could not have legally done before the passage of
this act.
. Dec. Ses. 1823
An act to open and extend Franklin Street, in the city of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Henry Payson, Solomon Etting and Jehu Bouldin, be and they are
hereby authorised to open and extend Franklin-street, in the city of
Baltimore, from Cove-street, w,estwardly until it intersects the line
of the city of Baltimore, in such direction thai it shall not interfere
with any property heretofore leased, but shall run in the same direc-
tion with that part of Franklin-street, which was heretofore located
by the western precincts commissioners.
Passed Feb.
19, 1824.
8. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners be, and they
are hereby authorised to ascertain whether any person through whose
land the said street may pass, will sustain any damage thereby, tak-
ing into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of opening
said street, and if they or a majority of them, shall determine that
any person or persons be injured, they shall declare the amount
thereof respectively and the costs incurred by this act, and assess the
same upon the property benefitted, and the persons so assessed shall
pay their respective assessments before the said street shall be open-
Assess dama-
ges and bene-
3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall return a
plat of their proceedings to the clerk of Baltimore county court, there
to be recorded, and the said plat shall be evidence of the true loca-
tion of that part of Franklin-street, which is hereinbefore mentioned.
4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be of no force or effect
unless approved of, by the Mayor and city council of Baltimore.
An act for the benefit of William Owen of Baltimore.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the com-
missioners of insolvent debtors for the city and county of Baltimore
be, and they are hereby authorised and required, to extend to Wil-
liam Owen of the city of Baltimore, on his application, the benefits
of the insolvent laws of this state without requiring him to prove
his having resided in this state, two years before his application for
the benefit of said laws; Provided, however, that said Owen complies
with all the other terms and provisions of said laws, and satisfies
said commissioners that he came into this state, with the bona fide
intention of residing permanently therein.
Passed Feb.
17, 1824;
An additional supplement to the act entitled, An act to authorise a lottery or lot-
teries to raise a sum of money tor the purpose of repairing and raising a fund
for the use of Washington College.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
instead of the sum of thirty thousand dollars, directed and authoris-
Passed Feb.
19, 1824.
Privilege ex-
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