Dec. Ses. 1823.
Limitation of
this act.
Fourth divi-
sion created.
83. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act shall be taken or
construed to extend to any part of the militia of this state, except the
division aforesaid.
84. And be it enacted, That all that part of the present third divi-
sion not comprised within the limits of the city of Baltimore, shall
be and hereby is, constituted into an additional division to be known
and designated as the fourth division of the militia of this state, and
the Governor and Council, shall be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to appoint a major general and the necessary staff
officers for the organization of the said fourth division.
Passed Feb.
23, 1824.
A supplement to the act for the establishment of Vestries for each Parish in
this State.
Whereas, the act to which this is a supplement does not provide
for the election of a vestry in any parish, in which there may not
be persons enrolled as in that act is directed, therefore,
Authority to
organise a ves-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for
any two or more members of the protestant episcopal church, in any
parish in this state, in which there shall be no vestry, to call a meet-
ing of the members of said church at the parish church, or if there
shall be no parish church, at any convenient place in such parish,
first giving ten days notice of the time and place of such meeting by
advertisement in writing set up at the most public places in such pa-
rish, and the members of said church when so convened shall have
power to elect a chairman and secretary, the former to preside at
such meeting, and to determine who of the members convened shall
be entitled to vote, and the latter to record or take minutes of the
proceedings, and the said meeting shall thereupon elect by ballot
eight of the most religious and intelligent members of such church
as vestrymen.
Their autho-
2. And be it enacted, That the persons so elected shall within ten
days after their election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, meet
and qualify in the manner now prescribed for other vestrymen, and
shall thereafter be considered the vestry of such parish until the
next Easter Monday, and as such shall have power to elect church
wardens and a register and to do all other acts which the vestries can
lawfully do.
Passed Feb.
13, 1824.
Legal capaci-
An act for the relief of Rebecca Lindenberger, of the city of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Rebecca Lindenberger, wife of Frederick Lindenberger, of the city
of Baltimore, be and she is hereby authorised and declared capable
in law, to have, take, receive and hold, any description of property,
whether leal or personal, which she may acquire, whether by pur-
chase, gift, bequest, descent or by her own exertions, and the same
to use and enjoy for her own use and benefit in as full and ample a
manner as if she were a feme sole, and had never been married,
and the same to dispose of according to her will and pleasure; and
the said Rebecca Lindenberger, is also declared capable in law to sue
for and recover by suit or suits in law or equity, or by compromise, all
such property or debts to which she is or may be entitled, or to be
sued in the same manner and form as if she were a feme sole.