Dec. Ses. 1823.
2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be
construed to authorise a disposition of said slaves, except in case of
disposition by last will and testament,nnd dispositions by law for bona
fide debts or consequent upon intestacy,, in. less than three years af-
ter the passage of this act.
Passed Dec.
18, 1823..
• An act to authorise the Justices of the Orphans' and Levy Courts, of Caroline
county, to appoint their respective Criers.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the orphans' and levy courts for Caroline county res-
pectively, be, and they are hereby authorised to appoint their criers
from anil after the first day of March next.
2. And be it enacted, That the levy court for Caroline county, is
hereby authorised and directed to levy on the assessable property
of said county, annually, a sum of money for the use of the criers
aforesaid, not exceeding fifty cents per day for ever}' day that the re-
gister of wills and clerk of. the county court shall certify that the
said crier acted as such.
Passed Dec.
23, 1823.
An act supplementary to an act for the relief of the poor of Prince George's
county, passed December session eighteen hundred and twenty two, chapter
one hundred and twenty-one.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the an-
nual meeting of the trustees of the poor for Prince George's coun-
ty, shall be on the first Monday in June ensuing their appointment.
Passed Dec.
18, 1823.
An act to authorise the several Levy Courts in this State to recover from de-
linquent supervisors and other debtors, any sum of money not exceeding fifty;
dollars, which may be due to their respective counties, as other small debts
are recoverable by individuals out of court.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
several levy courts in this state, may at any time hereafter order their
respective clerks to state accounts, with their seal of office annexed
thereto, between their respective counties, and any supervisor or su-
pervisors, his or their security or securities, or other person or per-
sons who now are or may hereafter become indebted to such coun-
ties in a sum or sums less than fifty dollars; and that the same shall
be recoverable by process issued by justices of the peace, in the
same manner as other small debts are recoverable by individuals out
of court, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Dec.
17, 1823.
An act for the relief of Catharine Wager and James B. Wager.
Whereas, by the act of assembly, entitled, an act to authorise
the abutment of a bridge on the Maryland shore of the Potomac
river at Harper's Ferry, and for other purposes, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and twenty-one, it was provided that the
said bridge should be commenced within six months after the pas-
sage of that act and completed within two years thereafter.
Time exten-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That if the
said Catharine Wager and James B. Wager, shall commence building
the said bridge within two years, and shall complete the same within
the term of rive years from and after the passage of this act, they, the
said Catharine Wager and James B. Wager shall and may have and
enjoy all the rights and privileges granted to them by the aforesaid