Dec. Ses. 1823
vern by Robert Medford, and on the first Monday in June, in each
and every year hereafter, at such house as shall hereafter be designa-
ted as the Town Hall by the municipality, be authorised to elect five
Commissioners for the said Village, who shall have resided within
the limits of the said Village six months next preceeding the election,
and who shall each be the proprietor of a house and lot, within the
limits of said Village.
Judge, time,
3. And be it enacted, That a Justice of the Peace for the time br-
ing residing in the said Village, shall appoint, by writing under his
hand and seal, one Judge to hold the first election, who shall keep
the poles open from nine o'clock in the morning until two in the even-
ing, and shall conduct the said election in the same manner in which
the Judges of Elections are now by law directed to conduct an elec-
tion for delegates to the General Assembly, as far as may be consis-
tent with the provisions of this act, and the said Judge shall make re-
turn, under his hand and seal, of the persons elected to the Clerk of
Dorchester or Caroline county, to be by him safely kept.
Future elec-
4. And be it enacted, That all future elections shall be held and
conducted as shall be from time to time directed by the bye-laws of
the corporation, the same not being inconsistent with the provisions
of this act.
5. And be it enacted., That the said Commissioners elected accor-
ding to the provisions of this act, shall, on the first meeting after said
election, choose some one of the said Commissioners President of the
Board, whose duty it shall be to preside at the meetings of the said
Commissioners, and preserve order and give such directions as may
be deemed necessary by the said Commissioners to carry into full
effect the provisions of this act.
6. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners aforesaid, or a ma-
jority of them, may meet together from time to time as often as occa-
sion may require upon the business of said Village, and not less than
once in every three months, and if during the year for which they may
be elected, any of the Commissioners should die, resign, remove from
said Village, or be non compos or otherwise disqualified, an election
to fill the vacancy shall be held, which all persons qualified, as is spe-
cified in the second section of this act, shall be entitled to a vote.
7. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall have power to appoint a Clerk and assign his duties,
and allow him such compensation for his services as they may think
proper, and that all ordinances passed by the said Commissioners, or
a majority of them, shall by their clerk be entered in a book to be kept
by him for that purpose, and shall be open at all times for the inspec-
tion of any person interested, and copies of all ordinances shall be
put up in the most public places of said Village, that the same may
be generally made known.
Penalties re-
8. And be it enacted. That all fines and forfeitures under the ordi-
nances of the said corporation, shall be recoverable before the Presi-
dent aforesaid as small debts are recoverable out of court, or before
any justice of the peace.
Limits of the
Village; taxes
9. And be it enacted, That the limits of the said Village of Fede-
ralsburgh shall extend to the distance of one quarter of a mile from
the Bridge in said Village into both counties as aforesaid, and the
property within said limits shall be subject to such taxes and charges
as may be deemed necessary by the said Commissioners, or a majori-