trary to the rules & regulations of the trustees or other officers as afore-
said after he shall be notified thereof, he shall forfeit and pay a sum
not less than one dollar, nor more than five dollars to be recovered be-
fore any justice of the peace of the county in an action on the case at
the suit of the treasurer of said society to the use of the society afore-
said; Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to authorise such society to occupy or include within their li-
mits as aforesaid, the estate of any person or persons without the con-
sent of the owners thereof, or to occupy any public highway in such
manner as to obstruct the public travel therein.
Dec. Ses. 1823
4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of enabling the socie-
ty aforesaid, to give greater efficiency to the rules and regulations of
their respective officers for the preservation of good order on the
particular occasions of its public cattle shows and exhibitions, the
trustees of the said society shall be and are hereby authorised to no-
minate and appoint a sufficient number of suitable persons, who shall
be inhabitants of the county, to act as marshals who shall be sworn
to the faithful and impartial discharge of their duty, and shall have
the same authority in relation to the preservation of the public peace
and to the service and execution of criminal process within the limits
prescribed for the holding of such shows and exhibitions, as consta-
bles by law now have, and they shall exercise their said office from
twelve o'clock, at noon of the day preceeding the day of the com-
mencement of said shows and exhibitions, until twelve o'clock, at
noon of the day succeeding the termination thereof and no longer.
5. And be it further enacted, That whosoever from & after the passage
of this act shall erect a booth or other arrangment for the purpose
of selling, or shall sell or dispose of any spirituous liquor within one
mile of the grounds defined and fixed for the holding of the annual
cattle shows and exhibitions, as provided for in this act, without
permission granted in writing, signed by the chairman of the board
of trustees and countersigned by the corresponding secretary of said
society, said person or persons so selling or disposing of spirituous
liquors shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty dollars, to be sued for
before any justice of the peace by the treasurer of said society, and
paid to him for the benefit of said society; Provided, that this act
shall not be construed to affect any person or persons resident with-
in the said prescribed limits, who may be authorised to sell spiritu-
ous liquors, in any other manner than to prevent them from erecting
a booth or booths or other arrangment for the purpose of selling said
Booths pro-
An act to incorporate the Village of Federalsburgh, in Dorchester and Caroline
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the citizens of the Village of Federalsburgh, in Dorchester and Caro-
line counties, shall be, and they are hereby constituted and made a
body corporate, by the name of the Commissioners of the Village of
Federalsburgh, with all the privileges of a body corporate, and to
have a common seal and perpetual succession.
Passed Feb.
23, 1824.
2. And be it enacted, That the free male white citizens of the Vil-
lage of Federalsburgh aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one years and
upwards and have resided in the said Village of Federalsburgh for and
during the space of six months next preceeding the election, shall, on
the first Monday in May next, at the House now occupied as a Ta-