Samuel stevens, Jr. esquire, governor.
Dec. Ses. 1833.
Passed Dec.
16, 1823.
An act to confirm the proceedings of certain commissioners therein mentioned
WHEREAs,an act was passed by the General Assembly of Mary-
land at the December session eighteen hundred and twenty two, en-
titled, an act to appoint commissioners for the purpose of dividing
Dorchester county into six separate election districts. And whereas,
the said commissioners are directed by the said act to meet at the
place of holding the county court of said county, for the purpose of
performing the duties under the said act, on the first Monday of
March next ensuing the passage of said act. And whereas, the said
commissioners did not receive the said act until April, and were
thereby prevented from the performance of the duties assigned them
at the time prescribed by the said act: Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the pro-
ceedings of certain commissioners appointed to divide Dorchester
county into six separate election districts, be, and are hereby con-
firmed, made valid to all intents and purposes, any provision in the
said act relative to the time when the said commissioners should
meet to perform the duties assigned them by said act, to the contra-
ry notwithstanding.
Passed Dec.
16, 1833.
, An act to authorise the levy court of Somerset county to provide an office for
the clerk of said county.
Whereas, it is represented by the levy court of Somerset coun-
ty, that in consequence of the ruinous condition of the apartment of
the court house in which the records and other papers are kept, the
said papers and records are in danger of being destroyed, and the
business of the office retarded and disturbed; Therefore,
Levy court
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Man/land, That
the levy court of Somerset county, be, and they are hereby autho-
rised and directed forthwith, to provide a suitable house in Princess
Anne, for the reception of the records of the county, and for the use
of the clerk of said county.
2. And be it enacted, That the rent and other expenses accruing
upon the removal of said office, shall be paid and defrayed by the
levy court of said county, out of any unappropriated funds, or by
a levy upon the taxable property of the county.
Passed Dec.
18, 1823.
import slave.
An act to authorise Elizabeth Anne Upshur Teackle, of Somerset county, to im-
port a slave into this state.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Elizabeth Ann Upshur Teackle, of Somerset county, be, and she
is hereby authorised at any time after the passage of this act, to re-
move and bring into this state a certain negro slave named Moses,
aged about fifteen years; and that the removal of the said slave to
this state shall not in any manner entitle him to his freedom; Provi-
ded, that the said slave when removed agreeably to the provisions
of this act, shall be registered among the records of Somerset coun-
ty court, within three months after his removal.
2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained, shall be
construed to authorise a disposition of the said slave, except in case
of disposition by last will and testament, and dispositions by law
for bona fide debts or consequent upon intestacy, in less than three
years after the passage of this act.