A further supplement to the act entitled, an act for the distribution of a certain
fund for the purpose of establishing Fret Schools in the several counties
therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Nicholas Brice, of the city of Baltimore, one of the board of com-
missioners appointed under the act of assembly of eighteen hundred
and seventeen, be, and he is hereby authorised and required in the
name of the said commissioners, to check for and pay over whatever
sum of money may remain to the credit of said commissioners on
the books of the Mechanics Bank of Baltimore to the present com-
missioner of said fund, appointed by an act of assembly of eighteen
hundred and twenty, a sum of money, which added to what he has
already paid to them, will amount to one entire moiety of the several
sums of money received by the first named commissioner from the
treasurer of the western shore; and that said Nicholas Brice, also, for
and in the name of the said commissioners first named, do assign and
transfer to the said commissioners appointed by the act of eighteen
hundred and twenty; fourteen shares of Commercial and Farmers
Bank stock, and seven shares of Mechanics Bank stock, now stand-
ing in the name of said commissioners appointed by the act of
eighteen hundred and seventeen.
Dec. Ses. 1823.
Passed Dec.
1 13, 1823.
ers required
to pay over.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Nicholas Brice, after paying
the above sum of money to the commissioners under the act of
eighteen hundred and twenty, shall pay and transfer any balance that
may remain, to the credit of the commissioners appointed for the
city of Baltimore, under the act of eighteen hundred and twenty.
An act relating to the appointment of Constables in Harford County.
Whereas, the boundaries of the hundreds in Harford county,
having become so defaced by vacating the old roads, and the open-
ing of new ones, that but few persons ("if any) in the county know
of their original location_—Therefore
Passed Dec.
13, 1823.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the jus-
tices of the levy court of Harford county, at the usual time appoint-
ed by law for them to appoint constables for said county, shall in each
and every year hereafter, meet and appoint as many constables in
each election district in said county as they in their wisdom think
proper. ——
Levy court to
appoint con-
An act to repeal an act entitled, An act to repeal an act relating to the protec-
tion of slave holders in Dorchester county.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act entitled, an act to repeal an act, entitled, a supplement to an
act entitled, an act for the better protection of slave holders in the
several counties therein mentioned, be and the same is hereby repeal-
ed, so far as the same relates to Dorchester county.
Passed Dec.
2. And be it enacted, That an act entitled, a supplement to an act
entitled, an act for the better protection of slave holders in the seve-
ral counties therein mentioned, passed December session eighteen
hundred and eighteen, be, and the same is hereby declared to be in
full force and effect in Dorchester county, after the first day of
May next.
3. Be it enacted, That the judges of Dorchester county court,
are hereby directed to give this act in charge to the jury of said
county, at the terms of the said county court.
Charge to ju-