rected to release from confinement in the common prison of Saint
Mary's county, the said Stephen Bryan; Provided, that nothing here-
in contained shall be construed to discharge the property which said
Bryan now has or may at any time hereafter have, from being liable
for the claim for which said Bryan is confined, any law to the contra-
ry notwithstanding.
Dec Ses. 1822
An act to divorce John Yeamans and Sarah his wife, of Cecil county.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
the said John Yeamans be, and he is hereby divorced from bed and
board and mutual cohabitation with his wife, Sarah Yeamans.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Sarah shall not, by virtue of
her marriage with the said John, be authorised to have or claim any
right or interest in the estate, real, personal or mixed, of the said
John, to be by him acquired after the passage of this act.
Passed Feb.
8, 1823.
Claims an-
An act to explain an act, entitled, A supplement to an act entitled an
act to provide for the opening and extension of Pratt street, in the
city of Baltimore.
Whereas doubts are entertained, whether the notice given by the
city collector of Baltimore to the owners of the property chargeable
with the assessment made by the board of commissioners, acting un-
der the authority of an act of the general assembly of Maryland, en*
titled, "A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to provide for the
opening and extension of Pratt street, in the city of Baltimore, " of the
time of payment of the several sums of money, which were laid on
the respective owners of said property, be good and sufficient by rea-
son that the said notice was not published in the newspapers of the
said city, within thirty days after the report made by the said com-
missioners had been approved of and passed by the judges of Balti-
more county court. For the purpose of removing the doubts enter-
tained as aforesaid, and for the confirmation of the said report in all
Passed Feb
11, 1823.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
collector of the city of Baltimore shall and may, with as little de-
lay us practicable, give twenty-five days notice in all the daily papers'
printed in the said city, of the tune of payment of the sums of money
respectively assessed upon the property benefitted by the opening of
said street; which said notice shall have the validity and effect as if it
had been given within the time prescribed by the act to which this is
a supplement, and in default of payment at the time limited therefor,
then the said collector shall proceed to make sale of the property
chargeable with the aforesaid assessment, in the manner directed by
Notice, &c.
the provisions of the acts to which this is a supplement, Provided,
that nothing shall be done in pursuance of this act, unless with the
approbation of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, expressed
by an ordinance to be passed for that purpose.
An act for the relief of Francis B. Mitchell, of the city of Baltimore.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Frances
B. Mitchell of the city of Baltimore be, and she is hereby divorced
from bed, board and mutual cohabitation with her husband John I.
Passed Feb
12, 1823..