Dec. Ses. 1822
Passed Feb
13, 1823.
Levy directed
An act to provide a revenue for the support of the government of this
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the lew courts of the several counties within this state, are hereby
directed and required annually, during the continuance of this act,
to levy on the assessable property within their respective counties,
clear of the expense of collection, in lieu of the sums directed to
be levied by the act passed at December session eighteen hundred
and twenty one, chapter one hundred and ninety two, severally as
follows: on Somerset county, the sum of two thousand two hundred
and sixteen dollars; on Worcester county, the sum of one thousand
nine hundred and sixty four dollars; on Talbot county, the sum of
one thousand six hundred and fifty six dollars; on Dorchester coun-
ty, the sum of two thousand two hundred and four dollars; on Queen
Ann's county, the sum of two thousand two hundred and fifty two
dollars; on Caroline county, the sum of nine hundred dollars; on
Cecil county, the sum of two thousand three hundred and eighty
dollars; on Kent county, the sum of 1 thousand 6 hundred and 86
dollars, on Calvert county, the sum of nine hundred and sixty
four dollars; on Saint Mary's county, the sum of one thousand five
hundred and eighty dollars; on Charles county, the sum of two
thousand six hundred and ninety six dollars; on Montgomery coun-
ty, the sum of two thousand and forty four dollars: on Frederick
county, the sum of five thousand six hundred and sixty eight dol-
lars; on Prince George's county, the sum of three thousand and se-
venty six dollars; on Anne Arundel county, the sum of three thou-
sand nine hundred and twenty four dollars; on Harford county, the
sum of two thousand one hundred and forty dollars; on Allegany
county, the sum of nine hundred and -forty eight dollars; on Wash-
ington county, the sum of two thousand nine hundred and forty
eight dollars; on Baltimore county, the sum of nineteen thousand
four hundred and sixty eight dollars; which said amount or sum
shall be collected in the same manner and by the same collector or
collectors as county charges are collected; the levy courts respec-
tively taking additional bond and security from their collectors for
the faithful payment and accountability of the monies to be collected
Collectors to
pay over.
under this act.
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of such col-
lectors to pay into the treasury of the eastern or western shores, as
the case may be, the sum so as aforesaid to be by them collected,
on or before the first day of December in the same year that the
Case of his
same shall be levied.
3. And be it enacted, That in all cases where any collector shall
have collected any sum or sums of money for the use of the state,
and shall neglect to pay over the same to the treasurer of the eastern
or western shorts, as the case may be, at the time appointed by this
law for the payment thereof, it shall and may be lawful, and the se-
veral county courts of this state are hereby required, upon motion
made on behalf of the state, to order a judgment to be entered, and
an immediate execution to issue thereon against the person or pro-
perty of such collector, to levy and compel the payment of such
sum of money so due and payable; Provided, that ten days previous
notice of such intended motion be delivered in writing to such col-
lector, or left at his place of abode, and proof thereof be made to
the satisfaction of such court to which such application shall be
made. And provided also, if such collector shall in person or by at-