An act for the benefit of Walter Sims, of Montgomery county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy
court of Montgomery county be, and they are hereby authorised and
required to levy annually upon the assessable property of said county,
so long as they may think proper, a sum of twenty dollars for the
support and maintenance of Walter Sims of said county, and that it
shall be the duty of the collector of said county, to collect and pay
over to the said Walter Sims, or to his order, the sum so levied for
his support.
Dec. Ses. 1822
Passed Jan
4, 1823.
Levy $20.
An additional supplement to the act entitled. An act to regulate the In-
spection of Lumber.
WHEREAS, It hath been found by experience that the designating
of one of the wood corders of the city of Baltimore, for the first and
tenth wards of the said city, in pursuance of the sixth section of the
act. entitled, "A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate
the Inspection of Lumber, " passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and seventeen, to be productive of great inconvenience, the
said first and tenth wards being at a great distance apart from each
other; Therefore;.
Passed Jan.
4, 1823.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and
after the passage of this act, all such parts of the sixth section of the
act, entitled, "A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate
the inspection of lumber", as enacts that one of the additional wood
corders authorised by the said act, shall be "designated as wood cor-
der for the first and tenth wards of the city of Baltimore, who shall
be authorised to act as wood corder in such wards only, " be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
An act for the benefit of Mary Sylvester, and her three small children
of Caroline County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the jus-
tices of the levy court of Caroline county, be, and they are hereby
authorised and directed to assess and levy annually, so long as they
shall deem it necessary on the assessable property of said county, a
sum of money not exceeding forty-five dollars for the support and
maintenance of Mary. Sylvester, and her three small children, and
that the same be collected by the collector of said county, and by
him paid to Thomas Styll, or to such other person as the levy court
shall, from time to time appoint, for the purpose aforesaid.
Passed Jan.
6, 1823.
An act to repeal an act, entitled. An act to encourage the destruction
of Crows, in Kent county, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-one, chapter eleven.
Passed Jan.
6, 1823.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from
and after the passage of this act, the act entitled, An act to encou-
rage the destruction of Crows, in Kent county, and to repeal the act
of assembly therein mentioned, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-one, chapter eleven, (except the second sec-
tion, ) be, and the same is hereby repealed.