Dec. Ses. 1822
Passed Jan.
11, 1823.
Barracks at
Frederick to
be repaired.
No. 7.
Resolved, That the governor and council cause such repairs to be made to the
barracks at Frederick Town, as they may think necessary to keep them from
being further injured by the weather, and that they be impowered to appoint
one or more fit and proper persons to superintend the said repairs, and that the
governor and council draw on the treasurer of the western shore, for such sum
as they be necessary to defray the expense thereof.
Passed Jan.
18 1823.
Potomac re-
No. 8.
Resolved, That the governor and council be required to transmit copies of
the executive communication on the subject of the Potomac survey to the pre-
sident of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives of Congress,
requesting that it may be submitted to their respective bodies, and copies to the
governor of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Ohio, with the request that
they will submit the same to their respective legislatures.
Passed Jan.
16, 1823.
Internal im-
No. 9.
WHEREAS, A system of internal improvement confined to great national purpos-
es, with proper limitations would be productive of eminent advantage to the
people of the United States, would promote the general welfare and tend to
secure a more perfect union; And whereas, doubts may; and do exist, whether
the Congress of the United States have the power to adopt a system: There-
Proposed al-
teration to the
constitution of
U. S.
Resolved By the General Assembly of Maryland, That the senators and re-
presentatives of this state in the Congress of the United States, be requested to
use their best exertions to procure such an amendment to the constitution of
the United States, as will give Congress power to adopt and execute a system of
internal improvement to be confined to great national purposes with proper
Resolved, That the governor be and he is hereby requested to cause a copy
of this resolution to be transmitted to each of the senators and representatives
of this state in Congress.
Passed Jan.
18, 1823.
Charges of
suits respes-
ing wing dam
to be paid by
the state.
No. 10.
Resolved, That the costs and other expenses which have accrued or shall
accrue in any of the county courts of this state, in prosecutions against persona
charged with unlawfully obstructing the navigation of the river Susquehanna!!,
by means of the wingdam at the head of Susquehannah canal, and for which
any one or more of the counties may be. liable, be paid by the state, and that
the clerks of the respective courts in which any costs and other expenses have
accrued or shall accrue, cause bills of the same to be laid before the judges there-
of, and if by them found to be correct and according to law, they are hereby
authorised and required to draw on the treasurer of the western snore for the
amount of the same.
Passed Jan.
25, 1823.
Gilbert Mid-
dleton, half
pay to.
Passed Jan.
24, 1823.
Arms to be
No 11.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Gilbert Middleton
of the City of Baltimore, or to his order for life, in quarter annual payments, the
half pay of a captain as a remuneration for his services during the revolutionary
No. 12.
Whereas, There are a number of armes at each of the armouries of this state
which with very trifling repairs and cleaning, would render them fit for service,
which while left in their present situation are becoming more injured by rust and
less valuable; Therefor,
Resolved, That the governor and council (if they think it advantageous to the
interest of the state) cause such arms as are wanting only trifling repairs and
cleaning, to be repaired and cleaned by the respective armourers any proportion
of such arms as they may think most advisable—and when so repaired and
cleaned, to be by the said respective armourers deposited with and kept cleaned
with such other cleaned arms as may be in the respective armories.
Passed Jan.
31, 1823.
Leonard Dea-
kins and John
Hoye, releas-
Passed Feb.
8, 1823.
Examiner ge-
neral pay-
ment to.
No. 13.
Resolved, That Leonard M. Deakins and John Hoye, executors of Francis
Deakins, deceased, be, and they are hereby released and discharged from the
payment of the sum of three hundred and eighty pounds eighteen shillings and
seven pence, with interest from the twenty first day of May, eighteen hundred
and thirteen, it being a balance due the state, from a certain Gustavus Scott,
for whom the said Francis Deakins was security; and that the clerk of Allegany
county dismiss the suit now pending in that court against the said Leonard M.
Deakins and John Hoye, for the recovery of the same, provided they shall pay
all costs that have or may accrue thereon.
No. 14.
WHEREAS, by the several acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at Novem. session, seventeen hundred and seventy nine & 1781 chapters twenty
and twenty five, the legislature did require that the examiner general of this