state for the western shore should lay before this house the amount of fees re-
ceived by him during each year on oath, and that the treasurer of the western
shore pay to him, or to his order, such sum in addition to said fees, as should
amount to the sum of eight hundred dollars annually; And whereas, it was
omitted by the legislature during the last session to pass a resolution in favor
of the examiner general, to enable him to receive an annual compensation for
his services; Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the
western shore be, and he is hereby required to pay to William Brown, examiner
general of the western shore, such sum of money in addition to the fees re-
ceived by him by virtue of his office, as will amount to the sum of eight hun-
Dec. Ses. 1822.
dred dollars, as a compensation to said Brown for his services.
No. 15.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby au-
thorised to pay to Doctor Colin Makenzie, the survivor of Dr. James Smyth or
his order, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the fourth install-
ment of the loan authorised to be negociated by them or the credit of the state,
by a resolution of the general assembly for improving the hospital, which be-
comes due in the present year.
No. 16.
Resolved, That the resolution passed at December session eighteen hundred
and twenty one, No. 60. compelling practitioners of law in this state to take out
licenses until the decease of Luther Martin, be, and the same is hereby re-
No. 17.
Resolved, That the register of the land office, of the Western shore of this
state, receive into his office, the patent granted to Robert Ross, of Allegany
county, on the tenth day of September, eighteen hundred and two, for lot No.
3805, of the lands westward of fort Cumberland, and correct the same by alter-
ing the second line of said lot No. 3805 to one hundred and seventeen perches,
and the third line to south, three degrees, east eighty wo perches, and that the
register correct the record of said patent and certificate in his office agreeably
to said patent as amended. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be
construed to effect or in any way impair the rights of any person or persons, or
bodies politic, acquired before the passage of this resolution.
Passed Feb 8,
Dr. Colin M'
ment to.
Passed Feb. 6,
Resolution in.
favor of Lu-
ther Martin
Passed Feb.
6, 1823.
Land patent
to be correct-
ed for Robert
No. 18.
WHEREAS, a resolution (passed at the last session of the General Assembly) in
favor of Samuel Lecompte, George A. Z. Smith, Charles Leary and Stephen
Thomas, of Dorchester county, is doubtful in its import and meaning, There-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the above mentioned
Samuel Lecompte, George A. Z. Smith, Charles Leary, and Stephen Thomas,
be, and they are hereby released from the payment of the composition money
on any quantity not exceeding three thousand acres of marsh land, laying on
Chicknacomico, Nanticoke and Black water, in Dorchester county, and in So-
merset county; and they are hereby authorised to take up or locate warrants of
survey on said quantity of marsh land as aforesaid described, without being
obliged to pay the composition money on the same.
No. 19.
Whereas, several of the levy courts of this state, did not levy and assess on
their several counties, the sums required by the act of December session eigh-
teen hundred and twenty one, chapter one hundred and ninety two, in sufficient
time for the collectors to collect the same, and make payment into the treasury;
Resolved, That no process shall issue against any collector of the aforesaid
revenue before the first day of July next.
No. 20.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby au-
thorised to pay to Thomas Armstrong or his order, on his surrendering up to
this executive of Maryland, such muskets as he has in his possession, belonging
either to the states of Maryland or Virginia, twenty dollars, being the amount
of rent due to said Armstrong, for the use of some houses occupied by troops
stationed for the defence of the city of Baltimore, in the years eighteen hundred
and thirteen and eighteen hundred and fourteen.
Passed Feb. T,
money releas-
ed on marsh
Passed Feb.
10, 1823.
time allowed
for collecting
Passed Feb.
10, 1823.
Thomas Arm-
ment to.
No. 21.
Whereat, judgments have been severally obtained against Thomas Wright,
Henry Darden, and Thomas Wright, administrator of Clayton Wright and Ro-
bert Wright, at suit of the state, on the office bond of Samuel T. Wright, late
clerk of Queen Anne's county court, on which said judgments the said parties
have requested indulgence; be it therefore,
Resolved, That all proceedings on the said judgments, shall be suspended un-
til the first day of October, eighteen hundred and twenty five, provided that each
of the said defendants shall pay to the treasurer of the eastern shore, the one
Passed Feb
11, 1823.
Th. Wright.
Henry Dar-
den and Tho-
mas Wright,