Dec. Ses. 1821.
more, has now been several years in operation, and experience has
fully and clearly proved the many advantages to the society re-
sulting therefrom, more especially to that interesting class of so-
ciety, the female orphans, who without the aid furnished by the
humane, philanthopic and enlightened ladies who have charge of
this invaluable institution, would be raised in ignorance and vice,
and instead of being both useful and ornamental members of so-
ciety, as many of them now are, they would only add to the list
of the ignorant and vicious, already swelled to a melancholy ex-
tent; And whereas, The directresses of said institution are laud-
ably desirous of the further promoting the interest of the children
committed to their care, and believing that the tender age of six-
teen is too early a period to permit a chaste and delicate female to
be turned loose upon the world, more especially as many of them
have not the advantages of parents or other friends to direct their
unexperienced minds, have respectfully solicited this general as-
sembly to pass a law to give their control over all such female
children as are educated by them, until they shall arrive at the age of
eighteen years—Therefore,
To bind out
till 18 years of
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the directresses of the Orphaline Charity School of the city of
Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered to
bind out female children until they shall attain the age of eighteen
years, or be married.
Passed Feb. 5,
A further supplement to an act entitled, An act for the distribution
of a certain fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in
the several counties therein named and for other purposes.
Whereas, By an act entitled, An act to incorporate a company
to make a turnpike road leading to Cumberland, and for the exten-
sion of the charters of the several banks in the city of Baltimore,
and for other purposes, and its supplements, a fund has been pledg-
ed for the establishment of free schools throughout this state, the
said act and its several supplements have directed that the said fund
should be equally divided among the several counties of this state.
And whereas, By the act to which this is a supplement, a certain
number of commissioners are named and appointed in and for each
of the several counties of this state, for the purpose of carrying the
objects of the said law and its several supplements into effect--
Powers of old
to cease—vest-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, all the power and au-
thority vested in the commissioners named and appointed as afore-
said for Caroline county, shall cease and determine; and that all the
power and authority which was vested in the commissioners afore-
said by the act aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby vested in the justi-
ces of the Orphans' Court for Caroline county, and their successors.
And whereas, It appears by the report of the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, that in conformity to the provisions of the act to
which this is a supplement, the said treasurer hath transferred to the
authorised agent of the commissioners of the school fund of Caro-
line county, the following bank stock, to wit: Of the Commercial
and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore, two thousand three hundred and