fifty dollars, and of the Mechanics' Bank of Baltimore, one thou-
sand four hundred and seventy-five dollars; and that the said trea-
surer hath also paid in money to the said agent, at different times,
the sum of sixteen hundred and forty-five dollars and ninety-nine
Dec. Ses. 1821.
2. Be it enacted, That the said justices of the or-
phans' court of Caroline county shall have power, and they are here-
by directed and required to call on the said agent, requiring him to
make a transfer of the said bank stock to them, for the purpose of
its being by them appropriated and applied for the use and benefit of
such schools in Caroline county as now exist, except as herein after
provided, or may hereafter exist in said county; and requiring him
also, to pay over, or place at the disposition of the said court, all the
money which hath been paid over to him by the said treasurer to be
Agents to
applied tor the uses and purposes aforesaid.
3. And be it enacted, That if upon the call or demand of the
justices of the orphans' court aforesaid, upon the agent aforesaid,
for the purposes aforesaid, he shall neglect or refuse to comply with
said call within three months after such call or demand is made,
the said justices are hereby directed and required to take and pur-
sue the necessary legal measures for obtaining and recovering the
4. And be it enacted, That all such funds as shall hereafter
come into the treasury of the Western Shore properly belonging to
Caroline county as a school fund, shall remain in the said treasury,
subject to the order of the justices of the orphans' court of said
county, and shall be annually paid over by the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, to the said justices or their authorised agent; any-
thing in any law heretofore passed to the contrary notwithstanding,
Accruing funds
—subject to
whose order.
5. And be it enacted, That the money now in the hands of
the agent of the commissioners of the school fund of said county,
and the dividend to be derived from the bank stock now in the
hands of the said agent, and all such monies as shall hereafter come
into the Treasury of the Western Shore belonging to said county,
shall be, and the same is hereby consolidated, and shall hereafter
constitute, and be a school fund for the use and benefit of any
school now existing, or which may hereafter exist in said county
Money and
dividend con-
to be applied.
for the purpose of educating poor white children in said county;
Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed in
any manner to authorise the commissioners of Hillsborough School
in Caroline county to demand or receive any part of the school funds
mentioned in this act, in as much as the said commissioners do annu-
ally receive from this state's treasury, a donation of five hundred dol-
lars for the exclusive use and benefit of said school.
6. And be it enacted, That the justices of the orphans' court
of said county, be, and they are hereby authorised and directed,
whenever they in their judgment may deem it necessary so to do, to
sell the bank stock belonging to said county, and the money there-
from arising, together with the money now in the hands of the afore-
said agent, to lay out in some profitable stock for the purposes afore-
Orphan's court
may sell stock.
7. And be it enacted, That the justices of the said orphans'
court shall have power, and they are hereby directed and required
to appoint five suitable persons in each election district of said conn-
To appoint
—their duty —