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Session Laws, 1821
Volume 626, Page 84   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1821.

rial ground as aforesaid, except so much of the same as the meet-
ing house and school-house now stand on, and as is now enclosed
immediately round each of said houses.


4. And be it enacted, That the trustees and each of them,
named and appointed by this act, shall hold and exercise the trust
hereby reposed in them, until he or they die or cease to belong to
that meeting to which he or they belong at the time of his or their


5. And be it enacted, That in case of the death of any trus-
tee or trustees named and appointed by this act, on his or their
ceasing to belong to that meeting to which he or they belong at the
time of his or their appointment, the meeting which now assemble
for worship on the property aforesaid, or any monthly meeting that
may hereafter be there-established, if the trustee or trustees was or
were attached to and appointed on the part of such meeting, shall
have, and are hereby given full and complete authority to appoint
another trustee or trustees, and so to do from time to time whenever
any such trustee dies or removes away as aforesaid; and that the
monthly meeting for the western district of the said city, shall have
like authority to appoint such other trustee or trustees, if the trus-
tee or trustees so dying or removing away, was or were, a trustee
or trustees attached to and appointed on the part of such monthly
meeting, and so to do from time to time whenever such trustee dies
or removes away as aforesaid.

Shall not sell

6. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained, shall
authorise or in any way empower any of the aforesaid trustees or
their successors, to sell or dispose of any of the properly vested in
them by this act.


7. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsistent with, or
repugnant to the provisions of this act, be, and the same are here-
by repealed.

Passed Jan. 30



An act to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from
Boonsborough to Hager's-Town, and for the extension of the Char-

ters of the several Banks in the City of Baltimore, and for other
Whereas, It is to the interest of the state that a turnpike road
should be made leading from Boonsborough to Hager's-Town in
Washington county, and it is represented to the legislature that the
banks hereinafter mentioned are willing to make the same if an
extension of their several charters be granted to them as they were
heretofore extended by an act entitled, A supplement to the act
entitled, An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road
leading to Cumberland, and for the extension of the charters of
the several banks in the city of Baltimore and for other purposes,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thirteen, chap-
ter one hundred and twenty-two—Therefore,

privileges, &c.
ons, &c.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland
That the president and directors for the time being of the several
incorporated banks in the city of Baltimore (except of the City
Bank of Baltimore,) and the president and directors of the Ha-
ger's-Town bank, be, and they are hereby incorporated and
constituted a body politic, by the name and style of the pre-

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Session Laws, 1821
Volume 626, Page 84   View pdf image
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