2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act to
which this is a supplement as is repugnant to the provisions herein
contained, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Dec. Ses. 1821.
An act vesting certain property in the eastern part of the City of
Baltimore, in trustees, for the use and benefit of the Society of
Friends, or people called Quakers, in the said city.
Whereas, It is represented to this legislature, that the lots of
ground lying on the east side of Jones' Falls, and included within
York, Harford and Pitt streets and Smock Alley, in the city of
Baltimore, which were heretofore vested in trustees for the use and
benefit of the society of friends, or people called Quakers, in the
city of Baltimore, by two several acts of assembly, (one passed in
seventeen hundred and ninety-three, chapter twenty, the other in
eighteen hundred and twelve, chapter one hundred and fifty-eight,)
may be lost to said society or people by the death of the present
trustees, there being no existing authority to appoint other trustees;
Passed Jan. 28,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the lots of ground or property mentioned and referred to in
the acts of assembly of seventeen hundred and ninety-three, chap-
ter twenty, and eighteen hundred and twelve, chapter one hundred
and fifty eight, and all the estate and interest therein, be, and the
same is hereby vested in John Trimble, Ely Balderson, David
Brown, Ezra Gillingham, Isaac Tyson, Jr. and William Hopkins,
(the three first named now belonging and being members of the
meeting that now assemble for worship on the property aforesaid,
the other persons belonging to and being members of the monthly
meeting for the western district of said city,) and their successors,
to be appointed as is hereinafter directed, to be held by the said
trustees and their successors for the exclusive use and benefit, (ex-
cept as is hereinafter excepted') of that portion of the said society
or people residing in the eastern part of the city of Baltimore, who
now are or who may hereafter be attached to the meeting now held
or which may hereafter be held at the meeting-house, situated and
being on the lots or property aforesaid.
Property vest-
2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and their suc-
cessors shall also hold the said property in trust, that both the ex-
isting meetings of the said society or people in the said city, or any
other meeting that may hereafter be established in the city by such
society or people, shall have equal right and privilege to use the
said property as a burial ground for the interment of the members
belonging respectively to such meeting, and of such other persons
as by the discipline of said society may be interred in any other
burial ground of such society; and the burial or funeral committees
of such meetings shall have the like control and direction over said
Burial ground.
property in making the interments aforesaid; Provided always,
That each of the said meetings shall pay a fair proportion of the
expenses of enclosing the said burial ground, and of all other ex-
penses attending the same.
3. And to prevent all disputes as to the extent of the said lots
to be used as a burial ground as aforesaid, Be it enacted, That all
and every part of the said lots, shall be subject to be used as a bu-