sident, managers and company of the Boonsborough turnpike
road; and by that name, the said president and directors of
the aforesaid banks and their successors, shall have succession for
the purpose of surveying, locating and making by the nearest prac-
ticable route, a turnpike road commencing at the town of Boonsbo-
rough in Washington county, and running thence to Hager's-Town;
and the said president, managers and company of the Boonsbo-
rough turnpike road, shall be and are hereby clothed and invested,
as respects the said road, with all and singular the rights, privileges
immunities and advantages, held, used and possessed by the seve-
ral turnpike companies incorporated by an act of assembly passed
at November session eighteen hundred and four, chapter fifty-one,
entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several turnpike
roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes; and shall
be entitled to the same tolls, be governed by the same regulations,
and be liable to the same fines, penalties and restrictions, as the
said companies now by law are; and shall elect their president, ma-
nagers and other officers in the same manner and at the same time
that the president, managers and company of the Baltimore and
Frederick-Town turnpike road are by law required to do.
Dec. Ses. 1821.
2. And for the purpose of raising a fund to make and complete
said road, Be it enacted, That the charters of the several banks
aforesaid shall be, and they are hereby continued and extended to
the first day of January eighteen hundred and forty-five, and to the
end of the session of the general assembly next thereafter, upon
condition of the said several banks subscribing in proportion to
their respective capitals actually paid in at the time of such sub-
scriptions, fur as much stock as is necessary and sufficient to finish
and complete said road as hereinafter directed; and in case any of
the said banks shall augment their said capital after such subscrip-
tion, the president and directors of such bank are hereby required,
(and upon this condition is the charter of such bank renewed) to
subscribe for so much stock in said company as the quota of such
bank, with its capital so augmented would have been, had such
augmentation existed at the time of the original subscription for
the stock of said road company; and the sum or sums paid on such
increased stock, in case the road shall have been completed, shall be
distributed among the several stock-holders in proportion to the a-
mount of stock by them respectively held.
sion of charters
3. And be it enacted, That the president of such of the
aforesaid banks, or a majority of them, as determine to accept of
the terms and reap of the benefits proposed to them by the provis-
ions of this act, be, and they are hereby authorised and directed.,
to cause books to be opened in the city of Baltimore for the purpose
of receiving subscriptions for said stock, and to do all other mat-
ters and things necessary to carry the provisions of this act into
effect, until the managers of said company are chosen in the man-
ner hereinafter provided for.
Books to be o-
4.. And be it enacted, That as soon as the stock aforesaid
shall have been subscribed, the president and directors of each of
the said banks so subscribing, shall choose one manager out of the
stock-holders in their respective banks, for every eight thousand
dollars of road stock by them subscribed, reserving however to
each of the said banks the choice of one manager, although its quota