ment, any thing in the said constitution and form of government
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Dec. Ses. 1821.
A supplement to an act entitled, An act to incorporate a society for the
maintenance and education of poor female children, by the name of
the Benevolent Society of the City of Baltimore.
Whereas, The legislature of this state, at November session
seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, did pass an act to incorporate
a society under the title of the Benevolent Society of the city and
county of Baltimore; and whereas it has been found by the mana-
gers of said society, that the female children committed to their
care for the purposes of education, have not a sufficient time to ob-
tain such education and useful habits of industry as are indispen-
sably necessary to their welfare by the time they arrive at the age
of sixteen—Therefore,
Passed Feb. 5,
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the trustees and managers of the Benevolent Society of the city and
county of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to bind out poor female children placed under their pro-
tection, until they shall attain the age of eighteen years, or be mar-
ried, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
May bind out
female chil-
A supplement to the act entitled, An act to provide for the organiza-
tion and regulation of the courts of common law in this state, and
for the administration of justice therein.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all appeals from the Chancery Court, in cases hereafter to be
brought before the said court from the Eastern Shore of this state,
where all the parties reside on that shore, and that fact appears in
the proceedings, shall hereafter be had and made returnable to the
court of appeals of said Eastern Shore, and the same proceedings
thereupon had, and in the same manner, and within the time, and
according to the form as is prescribed, limited and directed agreea-
bly to the provisions of an act of assembly in such cases made and
Passed Jan 17,
Appeals from
2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the tenth
section of the above recited act as is inconsistent with the provisi-
ons of this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
An act providing for the appointment of an Attorney General.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the governor shall no-
minate, and by and with the advice and consent of the council, ap-
point and commission a person of sound legal knowledge, who
shall be styled attorney general of Maryland, and who previous to,
and during his acting as such, shall reside in this state; and it shall
be the duty of the said attorney general, to prosecute and defend on
the part of the state, all cases now depending, or which may here-
after be brought in, or removed to any of the counties of this state,
by or against the state, or wherein the state shall or may be inter-
ested, in the same manner, as the attorney general heretofore was
Passed Jan. 7,
To be appoint-
ed—his duties