Harper's Ferry in the commonwealth of Virginia, in behalf of
themselves and their family, that they are the owners of the ferry
established at that place; that frequent and vexatious delays are ex-
perienced by the public in consequence of ice, high winds and high
waters, to the great injury of the community; that the said Catha-
rine Wager and James Bate Wager, on behalf of themselves and
their family, have applied to the legislature of the commonwealth
of Virginia for the passage of an act to authorise them to erect a
bridge across the Potomac river, at said place, and that they are
fearful this general assembly may adjourn their session before they
can communicate the said act of the legislature of the common-
wealth of Virginia; and this general assembly being at all times
willing to encourage internal improvement calculated for the public
Dec. Ses. 1821.
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in case the legislature of the commonwealth of Virginia, shall have
passed or may hereafter pass an act authorising and permitting Ca-
tharine Wager and James Bate Wager, to erect a bridge across the
Potomac River at Harper's-Ferry, it shall and may be lawful for
the said bridge to be abutted on the Maryland shore of said river;
and it shall and may be lawful for the owner or owners of the said
bridge, to demand and receive the tolls for passing the same which
may be authorised by the said act of the legislature of Virginia;
Abutment may
be built.
Provided, That the said bridge shall be abutted on the land of the
said Catharine Wager and James Bate Wager; And provided also,
That the said bridge shall have been commenced within six months
after the passage of this act, and shall be completed within two years
A supplement to an act entitled, An act to incorporate a company to
make a Turnpike Road from the Public Square in Hager's-Town
to intersect the Turnpike Road leading from Gettysburgh, through
Nicholson's Gap, at the Pennsylvania Line.
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a further time of three years is allowed the Hager's-Town and
Antietam Turnpike Company, to commence the turnpike road from
the public square in Hager's-Town to intersect the turnpike road
leading from Gettysburgh through Nicholson's Gap, at the Penn-
sylvania line, and the further time of ten years is hereby allowed the
said company to complete the same.
Passed Feb. 4,
Time of com-
mencing ex-
A supplement to an act entitled, An act for the preservation of the na-
vigation of a branch of Nanticoke River, called North West Fork,
in Caroline county.
Whereas, It is represented to this general assembly by the pe-
tition of sundry inhabitants of Caroline county, that wears and
hedges have of late been erected in and across the North-West Fork
branch of Nanticoke river, in Caroline county, from the North West
Fork bridge up to a mill on said river, now the property of Robert
Boyce, to the great injury of the navigation of said river—There-
Passed Feb. 4,