Dec. Ses. 1821.
the application of the fund mentioned in the first section of the
said act, they shall not exceed ten dollars per annum for any one
scholar; and they may supply all vacancies happening in their board,
so that the same shall always consist of nine members; and that all
such parts of the said act as may be inconsistent with the provisi-
ons of this supplement, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 4,
An act to repeal an act entitled, An act for the relief of poor and dis-
tressed families in cases of execution for debt and distress for
Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an act for the relief of poor and distressed families in cases of
execution for debt and distress for rent, passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and twenty, chapter 198, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 2,
An art empowering the Levy Court of Harford County, in their dis-
cretion, to build two bridges over Deer Creek in Harford county.
Whereas, It has been represented by the petition of sundry
inhabitants of Harford county, that a bridge is necessary and ought
to be erected across Deer Creek at the Priest's Ford, and by sun-
dry other inhabitants, that a bridge ought to be erected across said
creek at Matthew Wiley's Mill—Therefore,
$600 may be
what purpose-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be lawful for the levy court of Harford county, to levy
upon the assessable property of said county, a sum of money not
exceeding six hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting a bridge
across Deer Creek, at the Priest's Ford, if they in their judgment
shall deem a bridge necessary, and that it is expedient to erect the
same; and in case the said levy court shall deem it expedient to
build said bridge, they shall appoint commissioners to fix upon a
site for erecting the same, at or near the aforesaid Priest's Ford, and
also to contract with some person or persons for the erecting of
said bridge, who shall give bond and security to the said court for
building the same in a good and substantial manner, and for a sum
not exceeding six hundred dollars.
$400 may be
levied for Deer
2. And be it enacted, That if the said levy court shall, in
their judgment, deem a bridge necessary, and that it is expedient to
build the same across Deer Creek at Matthew Wiley's Mill, they
shall then and in that case levy a sum of money on the as-
sessable property of said county, not exceeding four hundred
dollars, for erecting the same, and shall contract with some per-
son or persons to build the said bridge, who shall give bond and se-
curity to the said levy court for building the same in a good and
substantial manner, and for a sum not exceeding four hundred dol-
Passed Feb. 4,
An act to authorise the abutment, of a bridge on the Maryland Shore
of the Potomac River at Harper's-Ferry, and for other purposes.
Whereas, It is represented to this general assembly, by the me-
morial of Catharine Wager and James Bate Wager, residents at