that the said Alexander Anderson, the reputed father of the petiti-
oners, died seized and possessed of a small real and personal estate,
after having duly executed his will, by which he devised and be-
queathed all his estate, real and personal, to Nancy Humes, and to
his reputed children, Ann, and Mary (who is since dead,) Sarah and
William, and to his grandson William Hosier Anderson, (who is
also since dead.) And whereas it has been represented that the said
Alexander Anderson was a foreigner, and had no relations or heirs
in this country, except the said petitioners, Ann, Sarah and Willi-
am, his reputed children, and Mary his reputed daughter, (since
dead,) and William Hosier Anderson, his reputed grandson (since
dead.) And whereas, It is further represented that by the aforesaid
will, the reputed children aforesaid of the said Alexander Anderson,
are entitled by law to a life estate only in the real estate of the said
testator. And whereas. It is also represented, that it was the mani-
fest will and intention, that his devisees aforesaid should hold and
enjoy by his will, a fee simple estate, but owing to a want of know-
ledge of the law, this estate was not conveyed by his will; and as the
said Ann, Sarah and William, a part of the petitioners, are illegiti-
mate, as were likewise Mary, and William Hosier Anderson, (since
deceased,) by reason whereof the reversion of the real estate of Alex-
ander Anderson becomes escheatable to the state of Maryland—
Dec. Ses. 1821.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the state of Maryland doth hereby relinquish to Nancy
Humes, Ann Stocker, Sarah Stocker and William Humes, all its
right and title, which it may have in the real estate of Alexander
Anderson, late of Talbot county deceased, and doth hereby vest
the same in the surviving devisees of the said Alexander Ander-
son, their heirs and assigns, as tenants in common.
State right re-
2. And be it enacted, That in case either of the devisees
aforesaid shall die intestate and without issue, then and in that
case, the estate and interest of such devisee or devisees, so dying
intestate, shall remain and pass to the surviving devisee or devi-
sees aforesaid, and to the heirs or devisees of any deceased devisee
or devisees, in the same manner as if the said Alexander Anderson
had died intestate, leaving the said now surviving devisees his law-
ful children and heirs; Provided always, That nothing herein
contained shall impair or in any manner affect the rights of other
persons claiming title to the said real estate.
A supplement to the act entitled, An act for the distribution of a cer-
tain fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in the seve-
ral counties therein named.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Richard Graham, John Ireland, Thomas Reynolds, James P.
Mackall, Walter Smith, Thomas C. Dare, Isaac. Rawlings, John
Broome, John T. Bond, be, and they are hereby substituted and
appointed commissioners of the school fund for Calvert county, in
lieu of the persons appointed by the act to which this is a supple-
ment; which commissioners herein named shall have and exercise
all the powers and authorities vested in the commissioners for Cal-
vert county, by the act to which this is a supplement, except that in
Passed Feb. 4,