Dec. Ses. 1821.
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of St.
Peter's Free
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of
Ann Rawlings.
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of Mi-
chael House.
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of Ann
Passed Feb. 23
In favor of Ed-
ward Hood.
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of
Thomas Kar-
Resolved, That the governor be, and he is hereby authorised and required to
transmit a copy of the aforegoing resolution to the executive of the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, and the executive of the state of Delaware, with a request that they
will lay the same before their respective legislatures, in order that they may inter-
pose their authority and make such provisions to prevent the evil herein complained
of as their wisdom and justice shall dictate.
No. 54.
Resolved By the General Assembly of Maryland, That the loan heretofore
made by the state to the trustees of St. Peter's Free School in Baltimore, be and
the same is hereby continued for three years from the time the same has or may
became due; Provided, They pay the interest annually into the treasury of the wes-
tern shore.
No. 55.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he it hereby autho-
' rised and directed to pay to Ann Rawlings, widow of Samuel Rawlings, late of
. Washington county deceased, or to her order during life, annually in quarterly
payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further compen-
sation for services rendered by her late husband during the revolutionary war.
No. 56.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore he, and he is hereby direct-
ed to pay to Michael House, of Washington county, or order during life, annually
in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a fur-
ther compensation for his services rendered during the revolutionary War.
No. 57.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he it hereby directed
to pay to Ann Jackson, of the city of Annapolis, or to her order during life, in quar-
terly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a compensa-
tion for services done by her husband, during the revolutionary war.
No. 58.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed
to pay to Edward Hood, of Anne Arundel county, or to his order for life, annually
in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a fur-
ther compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
No. 59.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Thomas Karney,
Auditor of the state, the sum of two hundred dollars in addition to his present sa-
Passed Feb. 13,
In favor of Lu-
ther Martin.
No. 60.
Resolved, That each and every practitioner of law in this state, shall be, and
he is hereby compelled, from and after the passage of this resolution, to obtain from
the clerk of the county court in which he may practise, a license to authorise him
so to practice, for which he shall pay annually on or before the first day of June,
the sum of five dollars; which said sum is to be deposited by the clerk of the coun-
ty court, from which he may procure such license, in the treasury of the western
shore, or eastern shore, as the case may be, subject to the order of Thomas Kell
and William H. Winder, Esqr's, who are hereby appointed trustees for the appro-
priation of the proceeds raised by virtue of this resolution, to the use of the said
Luther Martin; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be taken to compel
a practitioner of law to obtain a license in more than one court, to be annually re-
newed under penalty of being suspended from the bar at which he may practise.
And provided, That this resolution shall cease to be valued at the death of the said
Luther Martin.
Passed Feb. 23,
Unfavorable to
Joshua Rut-
No. 61.
Whereas, Johsua Rutlage, of Harford county, a pensioner, is said to be wealthy,
and the intention of this legislature is to assist such as stand in need, and not those
that are living in affluence—Therefore,
Resolved, That the resolution passed at November Session eighteen hundred
and twelve, directing the treasurer of the western shore to pay to Joshua Rutlage
of Harford county, late a lieutenant in the Maryland line, or his order, a sum of
money in quarterly payments equal to the half pay of a lieutenant, at a further re-
muneration for his services rendered his country during the revolutionary war, be
and the same is hereby rescinded.
Passed Feb. 23,
Unfavorable to
Joseph Cresap.
No. 62.
Whereas, Joseph Cresap, of Allegany county, a pensioner, is said to be wealthy,
and the intention of this legislature is to assist such as are needy only, and not such
as are living in affluence—Therefore,