No. 46.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Adam Ott, of Washington county, or to his order for life annually, in
quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a Lieutenant, as a
further compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
Dec Ses. 1821.
Passed Feb 22,
In favor of A-
dim Ott.
No. 47.
Resolved, That all proceedings be stayed on judgments obtained against Ro-
bert C. Lusby, former sheriff of Cecil county, and his securities at the suit of the
state, until the first day of September next, on his producing to the governor and
council a certificate from the justices of the orphan's court of said county, that the
debt, interest and costs are well and sufficiently secured; Provided, That nothing
herein contained shall preclude the state from issuing any execution on the said
judgments, after the expiration of the said stay, for the recovery of such sum or
sums of money as shall or may be due thereon.
Passed Feb. 22,
In favor of Ro-
bert C. Lusby.
No. 48.
Resolved, That the executions against the securities of Thomas Pollard, late
sheriff of Allegany county, on judgments already obtained, or hereafter to be ob-
tained, at the suit and in the name of the state of Maryland, in Allegany county
court, shall not be executed or levied before the first day of January eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-three.
Resolved, That the said securities shall be released from the judgments and ex-
ecutions aforesaid, on payment of the principal sums secured thereby, and six per
cent per annum thereon from the times the said sums respectively bear interest; Pro-
vided the same be paid on or before the first day of January as aforesaid.
Passed Feb. 22,
In favor of
Thomas Pol-
lard's securities.
No. 49.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Brewer, chief
clerk of the house of delegates, to William Kilty, chief clerk of the senate, to John
S. Purnell, assistant clerk to the house of delegates and Charles C. Maccubbin,
assistant clerk to the senate, the sum of one hundred dollars each, as an additional
compensation for their extraordinary services during the present session.
Passed Feb. 22,
In favor of the
No. 50.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor be and
he is hereby directed to cause the law passed at this session of the legislature,
entitled, A further supplement to the act entitled, An act to regulate the inspection
of tobacco, to be published immediately, and as often in such news-papers in this
state and elsewhere as he may deem expedient.
Passed Feb. 22,
Relative to pub-
lishing the to-
bacco inspecti-
on law.
No. 51.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby required to
direct the attorney general of this state to prosecute either in the county court
of Harford or Cecil, any person or persons who have been, or may be charged
with unlawfully obstructing the navigation of the river Susquehannah by a wing
dam, or erecting or making any nuisance in the same, in any part of said river
which is the dividing line between the said counties; and it is hereby declared that
either of the said courts shall have full and complete jurisdiction over the aforesaid
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised
and requested, if they shall deem it expedient, to employ auxiliary counsel to at-
tend to any prosecutions instituted under the foregoing resolve, and the same to
compensate as they may think reasonable and just.
Passed Feb. 22,
Relative to the
canal wing
No. 52.
Ranked, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the Rev. Mr. Rafferty
or his order, the sum of one hundred dollars, and to the Rev Mr. Emory or his or-
der, the sum of one hundred dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
sury, for their services as chaplains during the present session.
Passed Feb. 23,
In favor of the
No. 53.
Whereas, The encouragement given to negroes runing away from their own
ers in this state, and the harboring of them by sundry citizens of the common
wealth of Pennsylvania and (he state or Delaware, has been productive of serious
inconveniences and of great injury to the owners of slaves—Therefore,
Resolved, By the General Assembly of Maryland, That the encouragement
given to, and the harboring and employing of run-away negroes from this state
by sundry citizens of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and state of Delaware,
has increased to so alarming a degree, and the inconvenience arising therefrom to
the good people of this state has become so great and intolerable as to make longer
silence on this subject on the part of the general assembly of Maryland, if not
criminal, highly improper.
Passed Feb. 23,
Relative to ab-