Dec. Ses. 1821.
Passed Feb. 9,
In favor of Nan-
cy Hardy.
No. 19.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Nancy Handy, the widow of Levin Handy, late Captain in the revolu-
tionary War, or her order during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal
to the half pay of a Captain.
Passed Feb. 9,
In favor of He-
zekiah Ford.
No. 20.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby autho-
rised and required to pay annually in quarterly payments, to Hezekiah Ford, of
Cecil county, an old revolutionary officer, or to his order, the half pay of a Lieu-
tenant during the remainder of his life, as remuneration for his meritorious servi-
Passed Feb. 9,
In favor of So-
lomon Frazier.
No. 21.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Captain Solomon Frazier, or his order, the sum of three hundred and
thirty seven dollars and fifty cents, for balance of rations due him while in the service
of the state of Maryland, during the revolutionary war, with interest on the same
from the first day of January, 1819.
Passed Feb. 9,
In favor of Sa-
rah Middleton.
No. 22.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Sarah Middleton of the city of Baltimore, or order, during life, annually in
quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a Captain, as a fur-
ther compensation for services rendered by her husband, during the revolutionary
Passed Feb. 9,
In favor of Eli-
zabeth Poe.
No. 23.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Elizabeth Poe, of the city of Baltimore, annually in quarterly payments,
a sum equal to the half pay of a Captain in the Maryland line, during the remain-
der of her life; Provided nevertheless, that the receipt of the said annuity or any part
thereof by the said Elizabeth Poe, shall be deemed a full consideration for all claim
against the state of Maryland, on account of said claim forever.
Passed Feb. 8,
Relative to the
treasurer's ac-
No. 24.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be, and he it hereby directed
to close the several and respective accounts for debts stated to be due to the state of
Maryland, (as invalid) under the several and respective denominations of debts
specified in the statement herewith No. 1 to 10, inclusive, and signed "John Brewer,
clerk*." That he carry the amount of each respective debt to account or desperate
debts, and that he omit in future to state the name in his annual report; Provided al-
ways, and it is the true intent and meaning of this resolution, that should it at any
time hereafter be ascertained that said debtors or either of them, be solvent and
able to pay their or either of their debts as aforesaid specified, it shall be the duty of
the treasurer to cause the same proceedings to be had against him or them, to in-
force the collection thereof, as would have been proper had this resolution not have
Passed Feb. 8,
Relative to the
Auditor's Ac-
No. 25.
Resolved, That the Auditor General be, and he is hereby directed to omit in
future to state in his annual report of debts due from the state, the several and res-
pective claims exhibited in the statement herewith No. 1, and signed "John Brewer,
clk†" except it shall at any time hereafter appear to him that the same or some part
thereof will be demanded; in that case the sum so ascertained be included in the
Passed Feb. 11,
In favor of
Richard W.
No. 26.
Resolved By the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the
western shore, be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay to Richard W.
West, administrator de bonis non of Stephen West, the amount due on any certi-
ficates heretofore granted to Stephen West in his own right, and as executor of
William Hall, under the act entitled, "An act for calling out of circulation the quota
of this state of the bills of credit issued by congress" and passed at October session
1780, ch. 5, and which may not have been paid, in the same manner as if said cer-
tificates were now produced to him; Provided, The said Richard W. West shall
give bond to be approved by the said treasurer, to refund the sum of money thus
paid, if said certificates shall at any time be produced to the treasurer.
* An entry has been made of the contents of these statements on the books of
the treasurer of the western Shore.
† An entry has been made of the contents of this statement on the books of the
Auditor General.