terest on the same at the rate of six per cent per annum, from the several and rets.
pective periods at which by law the same are made payable to the treasurer.
Dec. Ses. 1821.
No. 10.
Resolved, That the governor and council, be and they are hereby authorised
and required to adjust and pass the account of William Jacobs, of Queen Ann's
county, for the use of his granery as a place of deposit for public arms, &c. Provi-
ded, They shall be satisfied from the vouchers which may be produced, that the said
account is just, and that the governor be and he is hereby authorised to draw on the
treasurer of the western shore for the amount of said claim when so adjusted and
passed, and that the same be paid out of any unappropriated money is the treasu-
Passed Jan 8,
In favor of Wm.
No. 11.
Resolved, That George H. Lanham, former sheriff of Prince George's county,
be and he is hereby released from the payment of nine per cent interest chargeable
upon an account due the state by the said George H. Lanham; Provided, he shall
pay the said account with an interest of six per cent thereon, on or before the first
day of July, 1822.
Passed Jan. 18,
In favor of
George H. Lan-
No. 12.
Resolved, That the governor be requested forthwith to transmit to the gover-
nor of Pennsylvania, a copy of the act entitled, an act for the improvement of the
Navigation of the River Susquehannah, with a request that he would lay the same
before the Legislature of that state, with an invitation to cooperate in such man-
ner as may be deemed expedient towards the improvement of the Navigation of the
River Susquehannah.
Passed Jan 18,
Relative to for-
warding copy
of a law.
No. 13.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay unto Abraham Ross,
the sum of seventy three dollars and fifty eight and one third cents, with interest
on the same from the time he paid off the band in the treasury.
Passed Jan. 18,
In favor of A-
braham Ross.
No. 14.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to cause the Dome of the State House to be painted, and such re-
pairs to be done to the Roof of the Government House and its enclosures, as they
may conceive to be indispensably necessary, and that they draw on the treasurer of
the western shore for such sum of money as may be sufficient to carry into effect
the object of this resolution.
Passed Jan 16,
Relative to pub-
lic property.
No. 15.
Resolved By the General Assembly of Maryland, that the governor and coun-
cil be, and they are her by authorised and directed to cause to be paid to the com-
missioners appointed by virtue of a resolution of the General Assembly, passed
December session eighteen hundred and eighteen, "to view and inspect the United
States Turnpike road so far as it runs through Allegany county," or to their order,
such sum as may be deemed a reasonable compensation lor their services, and that
the same be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Jan 25,
In favor of com-
missioners to
examine turn-
pike road.
No. 16.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore, be and he is hereby author-
ised to pay to Doctor Colin Makenzie, the survivor of Dr. James Smyth, or his or-
der, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the third installment of the
loan authorised to be negotiated by them on the credit of the state, by a resolution
of the General Assembly for improving the Hospital, which becomes due in the pre-
sent year.
Passed Jan 23,
In favor of Dr.
Colin M'Ken-
No. 17.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby authorised,
to draw on the treasurer of the western shore, in favor of Richard Graves, the brig-
ade Major of the 6th brigade, for the amount ascertained by them to be due to the
said brigade major, for services performed during the late war, according to the
vouchers exhibited.
Passed Jan 30,
In favor of
Richard Graves.
No. 18.
Resolved, That all proceedings against Benjamin G. Jones, late sheriff of Har-
ford county, and his securities on judgments obtained by the state against them, be
and the same are hereby suspended until the first day of November next, and
that the nine per cent additional interest chargeable thereon be and the same is
hereby released; Provided, they shall upon the passage of this resolution, pay into
the treasury of the western shore, three hundred and fifty dollars, in part of said
judgments; and Provided also, the balance of principal and six per cent interest
shall be paid cm or before the said first day of November.
Passed Feb, 6,
In favor of
Benjamin G.