same to be graded, and should require damages therefor, and if
such property holder cannot agree with said commissioners as to
the amount of damages which he, she or they ought to have, or
there should be any legal disability on the part of these owning
property on such street, lane or alley, then the corporation shall
proceed to ascertain the damages in the same manner as is pro-
vided for the purchasing of property in the tenth section of an act
of assembly relating to the city of Baltimore, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and
forty-eight, for opening and widening Jones' Falls.
Dec. Ses. 1821.
3. And be it enacted, That when the damages so assessed
or agreed upon, shall be paid by the corporation of Baltimore to
the persons so assessed and legally entitled to receive the same, then
the said corporation may proceed to re-grade and pave the said
street lane or alley.
To pave.
4. And be it enacted, That the various acts of assembly di-
recting the manner of collecting the county assessments in the
counties of this state, shall be extended to the city of Baltimore;
and the mayor and city council, through their collector duly ap-
pointed, shall have the same power and authority for collecting
the several taxes which they may from time to time levy on the
real and personal property within said city, as is now exercised
within the several counties of this state.
Acts relating
to county as-
sessments ap-
5. And be it enacted, That there shall be annually appointed
hereafter, seven trustees of the poor for Baltimore city and county,
three of whom shall be appointed by the governor and council, and
four by the mayor and city council, in the same manner as other
officers of the corporation are appointed, who shall constitute a
board of seven, a majority of whom shall be competent to do bu-
siness; and the said board, when organized according to the acts of
assembly in such cases made and provided, shall exercise all the
rights and perform all the duties' heretofore enjoined on the trus-
tees of Baltimore county.
Trustees of the
G. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of
said city, shall have, and they are hereby given full and complete
authority to provide for the registering of all the qualified voters in
said city as often as they may think necessary; and that after such
registry is made, no person whose name is not on such registry
shall be entitled to vote at the election of the mayor of said city,
Qualified vot-
ers may be re-
or of either branch of the city council; Provided always, That the
said registry shall not be conclusive proof to the judges of the
elections aforesaid, that the persons whose names are thereon are
entitled to vote at the elections aforesaid.
7. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of
the city aforesaid, shall have and they are hereby given authority
to pass such ordinance or ordinances as may be necessary to effect
the objects of the preceding sections.
May pass ordi-
8. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsistent with, or re-
pugnant to the provisions of this law, be and the same are hereby