Dec. Ses. 1821.
in all cases of applications for the benefit of the insolvent laws be-
fore the commissioners of insolvent debtors for the city and coun-
ty of Baltimore, or before Baltimore county court, in which the peti-
tioner may fail to appear on the days required by law, that the said
commissioners or Baltimore county court, as the case may be, shall
have power in their discretion, if they believe such failure not to
have been designed for fraudulent purposes, to continue the case of
such petitioner upon their docket until some other convenient day,
whereof such notice shall be given by the said petitioner as they
shall direct.
May prosecute.
2. And be it enacted, That in all cases in which such failure
may have heretofore taken place, (provided the said commissioners
or Baltimore county court shall be satisfied it did not arise from a
fraudulent design on the part of the petitioner,) the said petitioner
shall be and he is hereby authorised to prosecute a new petition
for the benefit of said insolvent laws.
Passed Feb. 23,
An act supplementary to the act for the distribution of a certain
fund for the purpose of establishing Free Schools in the several
counties therein named.
Sec. 1. BE it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the following persons shall be and are hereby appointed com-
missioners of the school fund for Prince George's county: Joseph
Kent, Robert W. Bowie, Clemment Brooke, Thomas T. Sommer-
ville, George Sim, Nicholas Snowden, William T. Wootton, Hen-
ry Culver and William H. Lyles.
2. And be it enacted, That a majority of the said commis-
sioners shall constitute a quorum to do business, and shall have
full power to fill up all vacancies that may occur in their body either
by death or otherwise.
3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
have power to dispose of said fund in such manner as they may
deem advisable.
Passed Feb 23,
Proprietors to
wall up.
An act relating to the City of Baltimore, and to certain officers and
elections therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That for the more perfect security of the basin and harbor of the
city of Baltimore, that the corporation thereof shall have power,
whenever it may deem the same necessary, to compel individuals,
companies or bodies politic, owning property binding on Jones'
Falls, within the limits of the city, to wall up such property so far
as the said property may bind on the Falls, in such manner as the
corporation may by ordinance direct.
Streets requir-
ing to be grad-
ed—process —
2. And be it enacted, That whenever the board of health
shall certify in writing to the mayor, that it is necessary for the
better preservation of the health of the city, to alter the grade of
any street, lane or alley, on low or made ground, the mayor shall
issue his order to the city commissioners, who shall thereupon call
on the several property holders on such street, lane or alley, so to
be re-graded, and procure from them their assent in writing to such
alteration; and if any property holder shall refuse to permit the