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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 9   View pdf image
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CHAP. 16

Trustees made ca-
pable to sue, &c.

same shall remain for ever as a fund for the support and mainte-
nance of said school.
5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, and their succes-
sors in office, duly elected, by the name aforesaid, shall be ca-
pable in law and equity to sue and to be sued, plead and to be im-
pleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of justice whatever,
and may have a common seal, and the same may alter, break or
renew at pleasure, and to perform such acts, and make such by-
laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of the
United States or of tins state, as they or a majority of them may
find convenient, useful or necessary, for exercising and carrying
into effect the powers granted by this act, and in general fur the
better managing and promoting the interest of said corporation.

Property in a cer-
tain event, to re-
vert to I. and D.

6. And be it enacted, That in case, the trustees herein before
named, or those who may be appointed their successors, shall
hereafter fail to carry into effect the views and objects contem-
plated by the said John M'Kimm, and the provisions of this law,
then the said corporation or trustees as aforesaid, shall be dis-
solved, and the property herein before mentioned to be conveyed
shall revert back to and become the property of the said Isaac
M'Kimm and William D. M'Kimm, and their heirs, in the same
manner as if the same had not been conveyed to the trustees as

Passed Dec. 10.

Sheriff directed to
release him from



An Act for the Relief of John J. Moore, of Harrison County, State of Ohio.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
sheriff of Baltimore county is hereby authorised and directed, to
release from his custody, and gaol of said county, John J. Moore
of Harrison county, state of Ohio, who is now confined in said
gaol at the suit of Thomas Emory, also of Harrison county and
state of Ohio, without compelling the said John J. Moore to give
special bail in said suit, provided the said John J. Moore shall
enter his appearance to said suit, in his proper person, or by
some attorney practising in the court in which said suit is brought.

Passed Dec. 20.



An Act for the Relief of Jesse Hughes, respecting certain Lands therein men-

WHEREAS an act passed the general assembly of Maryland in
the year eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, An act for the
relief of Jesse Hughes, of Somerset county: And whereas, since,
the passage of said act, a warrant has been granted to the said
Jesse Hughes out of the land office for the eastern shore, hearing
date the first day of June eighteen hundred and nineteen, to re-
survey the following tracts, and parts of tracts of land, viz. part
of a tract of land called "Might have had More," also part of a
tract of land called "Ignoble Quarter," originally granted unto
Thomas Shield, for three hundred acres, also a tract of land
called "Finish," also part of a tract of land called "Sedney,"
also part of a tract of land called "Evanse's Second Chance,"
lying and being in Somerset county: And whereas the surveyor
of Somerset county executed the warrant and certificate duly re-
turned thereon, in which he certifies that he reduced the said

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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 9   View pdf image
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