tracts and parts of tracts into one entire tract, and called it the
"Verdant Retreat;" therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a pa-
tent may issue to the said Jesse Hughes for "Verdant Retreat,"
in conformity with the said warrant and certificate, on the pay-
ment of the fees of office only, without the payment of any mo-
nies to the state fur the same; Provided, that nothing in this ad
contained shall affect any rights which have accrued previous to
the passage of this act.
CHAP. 18.
Patent directed to
be issued to him.
An Act for the benefit of James Scott, of Allegany county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that Ed-
Ward M'Carty residing on the river Potomac, in the county of
Hampshire, and state of Virginia, about fifteen miles from Cum-
berland in Allegany county, in this state, now holds, and for se-
veral years last, past has held and owned, a negro woman slave
named Susan, of the age of about twenty-five years, with her two
male children, one named Nathaniel, about four years old, and
the other named Thornton, about two years old, and is, and for
a considerable time has been, desirous of selling the said slaves;
and that James Scott, of Cumberland aforesaid, who is an inti-
mate friend and connection by marriage of the said Edward
M'Carty, is desirous of purchasing the said slaves for his own
use, and has actually contracted with the said Edward M'Carty
for their purchase, provided permission can be obtained from the
legislature of this state for their introduction: And whereas, it ap-
pears to the satisfaction of the general assembly, that the said
representation is true, and also that the said woman Susan, is de-
sirous of being sold with her said children to the said James
Scott, who has petitioned the general assembly for an act grant-
ing permission to introduce her and her children into this state;
the prayer of which petition, under these special circumstances,
is reasonable and ought to be granted; Therefore,
Passed Dec 21.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said James Scott be and he is hereby authorised, to remove from
Virginia into this state, the said negro woman slave named Susan,
and her two male children aforesaid; Provided, said James Scott
shall cause said negro slaves, Susan, Nathaniel and Thornton, to
be registered in the office of the clerk of Allegany county court,
within three months after said removal, and the said negroes
shall not be sold to any person residing out of the state, or for
the purpose of being removed therefrom, until the expiration of
three years after they shall be brought into this state.
Authorised to re-
move slaves into
An Act to repeal part of an Act therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That so
ranch of the ninth section of the act, entitled, An act to incorpo-
rate a company for erecting a bridge over Nanticoke river, at or
near Vienna, in Dorchester county, as enjoins it upon said com-
pany to have buoys fixed on each side of the draw, with ropes
sufficient to warp vessels through, whenever the winds or current
may render it necessary, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Dec 21.
Part of act re-