perform divine worship at the meeting house, on the east side of
Jones's Falls, ground-rents or annuities in the city aforesaid, to
the amount of six hundred dollars per annum, to remain as a
perpetual fund for the education and schooling, of poor youths:
And whereas the general assembly being desirous to secure the
accomplishment of the objects of the benevolent and generous
donor as aforesaid, and to give perpetuity and constant succession
to the said school, intended to be supported out of the funds afore-
said, have agreed to enact,
CHAP. 16.
1. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
there shall be erected a school on the pastern side of Jones's Falls
in the city of Baltimore, for the education of poor children in
the elementary branches of knowledge, to be styled and named
"M'Kimm's School."
School to be erect-
2. And be it enacted, That the said school shall be under the direc-
tion and management of William Brown, Joseph Townsend, Ely
Balderson, David Wilson, John Wilson, Rossiter Scott, Josiah
Brown, Joshua Mott, John Dukehart, William Proctor, Samuel
Register, and Joseph Brevitte, trustees, which said trustees, and
their successors to be elected as hereinafter mentioned, shall for
ever hereafter be, and they are hereby erected and established and
declared to be, one body politic and corporate, with perpetual
succession in deed and in law, to all intents and purposes what-
ever, by the name, style and title of "The Trustees of M'Kimm's
School," by which name and title the said trustees, and their
successors, shall be competent and capable in law and equity to take
to themselves, and their successors, for the said school, all those
annuities, ground rents or lots of ground, on which annual rents
have been reserved, that may be conveyed to them the said trustees
by the above named Isaac M'Kimm and William D. M'Kimm, pur-
suant to the request and desire of their late deceased father John
M'Kimm, and also any other estate in lands, tenements, heredi-
taments, goods, chattels, monies, or other effects, that may be
given, granted or bequeathed, by any other person or persons
whomsoever, provided the same do not exceed in the whole, the
yearly value or sum of three thousand dollars, and to receive the
rents, profits and issues, arising therefrom, and to apply the same
to the proper use and support of said school.
Trustees appoint-
ed and incorpo-
3...And be it enacted, That in case of a vacancy happening
among the said trustees by death, resignation, refusal to act, re-
moval from the city of Baltimore, and by ceasing to frequent the
meeting house on the east side of Jones's Falls as a place of pub-
lic worship, the said trustees shall, as soon thereafter as shall
seem proper, proceed to fill up such vacancy from among the so-
ciety of friends, or of those professing their religious principles,
who meet or assemble for public worship in the meeting house on
the eastern side of Jones's Falls, and the person having the great-
est number of votes among the trustees assembled for the pur-
pose, shall be declared as duly elected.
Vacancies, how to
be supplied.
4. And be it enacted, That the property that may be thus con-
veyed to the trustees as aforesaid by the said Isaac M'Kimm and
William D. M'Kimm, shall be held in the name of the trustees
of said school, and no part thereof, except the interest, rent or
income, shall be disposed of by the said trustees, but that the
Property to be
held in name of