An Act for the benefit of George Lash, of Baltimore County.
WHEREAS George Lash of Baltimore county, emigrated to the
state of Maryland from Germany, about the year eighteen hun-
dred and five; and since his emigration to, and settlement in Ma-
ryland, hath acquired real property therein, situate in the viscini-
ty of Baltimore, in Baltimore county: And whereas his title to
his property is insecure, and may be called in question, by rea-
son of his not being naturalized according to the laws of the
United States; Therefore,
CHAP. 7.
Passed Dec 14
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
title to the real property of the said George Lash, lawfully and
ingly acquired, be and the same is hereby as amply, fully, and
eficially vested in the said George Lash, and his heirs, to all
intents and purposes, as it would have been if he had been duly
naturalized agreeably to the said laws, at the time, he acquired
Property vested
in him.
the said real property; Provided always, that nothing in this act
contained shall in any manner defeat or affect any right, title or
claim, to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or pro-
uted by any person or persons whatever, before the passage of
this act; And provided, that the. said George Lash shall, within
twelve months after he is capable of bediming a citizen, cause
himself to be naturalized agreeably to the laws of the United
States; but if the said George Lash should die before he becomes
naturalized, nothing in this proviso shall prevent him from trans-
mitting or transferring his said property, by descent or devise, to
any person or persons capable in law to hold the same.
Act authorising Samuel Stone, of Baltimore County, to erect and keep
Gates on the Road therein mentioned.
WHEREAS Samuel Stone, and others, of Baltimore county, by
their petition have represented to this general assembly, that for
a great number of years a private road passed through said Sa-
muel Stone's farm, on which were erected gates; that in the year
eighteen hundred and fifteen a law passed declaring the said road
a public highway, to be repaired as other public roads are in said
county; Therefore,
Passed Dec 14.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it
shall and may be lawful for Samuel Stone, of Baltimore county,
to erect and keep two gates on the road leading through his farm,
and by his mill, at such place or places as he may think proper,
provided the same be on his own land, and provided also, that
the said gates be hung on good and sufficient iron hinges, and
kept in repair by the said Samuel Stone, so as to impede as little
possible persons travelling either on horseback, or with car-
riages of pleasure or burthen.
Authorised to
keep two gates on
3. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons after the
erection of said gates, shall cut, destroy, or remove said gate or
gates, they shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay to the
said Samuel Stone, for every such offence, the sum of ten dol-
lars, recoverable before a magistrate of said county as other
or all debts are.
Penally on per-
sons destroying
4. And be it enacted, That if in case the said Samuel Stone
shall fail to keep such gates in good repair, as prescribed by this
Penalty for not
keeping them in