CHAP. 8.
act, he the said Samuel Stone shall forfeit and pay for every such
offence a sum not exceeding ten dollars, to be recovered by indict-
ment in the county court of said county, and to be applied as
other fines and forfeitures are.
Passed Dec 14.
Deed made valid.
An Act to make valid the Deed therein mentioned.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a deed
executed by a certain Susannah Caton, late Susannah Plummer
of Washington county, in the state of Pennsylvania, duly ac-
knowleged by her attorney Joseph Talbutt, of Frederick coun-
ty, in the said state of Maryland, on the seventh day of June,
the year eighteen hundred and nineteen, to Yate Plummer of Fre-
derick county, for a tract or parcel of land called Plummer's
Pasture, lying in the county of Anne Arundel, purporting to
for one hundred and twenty-seven acres of land more or less, as
recorded on the records of Frederick county on the twenty first
day of June eighteen hundred and nineteen, but not recorded in
the land records of Anne Arundel county until the twelfth day of
April in the year eighteen hundred and twenty, shall be as effec-
tual to pass the lands therein mentioned, and thereby intended to
be conveyed, from the grantor to the grantee, as if the same had
been recorded in the land records of Anne Arundel county within
the time prescribed by law; Provided, that nothing contained
this act shall he construed to impair the rights of any bona fide
purchasers of said property, without notice of said sale.
Passed Dec 11.
Time extended
for collection.
An Act to authorise James H. Warhan, Collector of Saint Mary's County,
complete his Collections.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
James H. Wathan, collector of Saint Mary's county, be and he
is hereby authorised and empowered to collect, until the first day
of January eighteen hundred and twenty-two, all balances due
him as collector of Saint Mary's county, in the same manner as
he could or might have done within the time limited by law, a
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
To deliver ac-
count before exe-
2. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the said James
H. Wathan, before he proceeds to execute the property of a
person or persons for public dues or taxes, in virtue of this act,
to deliver to such person or persons chargeable with the same, at
least thirty days previous to levying such execution, an account
written in words at full length, of the public taxes and dues de-
manded of him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed, that he has
not received any part thereof, nor any thing as security of said
faction for the same, more than credit given, (if any,) to the best
of his knowledge and belief.
Books to be Iodg-
ed in clerk's office.
3. And be it enacted, That the said James H. Wathan, before
he derives any benefit from or under this act, shall lodge a copy
of his collection books in the clerk's office of Saint Mary's coun -
ty, to be open for the inspection of all persons interested in