CHAP. 3.
authorised to car-
ry provisions of
acts into effect.
If any executor,
&c. fail to notify
transfers, to be
liable for tax.
9. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners of the tax
for Saint Mary's county, are hereby authorised and empowered
to carry into full effect and operation all the provisions of that
act, as well as the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve
entitled, "An act for the valuation of the real and personal prop-
perty in the several counties of this state."
3. And be it enacted, That if any executor, administrator,
guardian or trustee, shall hereafter fail to inform the commis-
sioners of the tax of the transfer of any property, belonging to
any deceased person, ward, or estate in trust, of which he or she
may be executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, the said
executor, administrators, guardian or trustee, shall be liable for
the tax on the same, until the commissioners of the tax shall be
properly notified of such transfer.
Passed Dec 9.
Authorised to re-
move slave into
An Act for the benefit of John Jamison, of Virginia.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That John
Jamison, be and is hereby authorised, to remove from Virginia
into this state a negro slave named Nace, about twenty-five years
of age; provided said John Jamison shall cause the said negro
slave Nace to be registered in the office of the clerk of Frederick
county, within three months after said removal, and that the said
negro shall not be sold to any person residing out of this shite,
or for the purpose of being removed therefrom, until the expira-
tion of three years after he shall be brought into this state.
Passed Dec 11.
Salary ascertain-
An Act to settle and ascertain the Salary of the Members of the Council for the
ensuing year.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each
member of the council shall be entitled to receive, for the ensuing
year, the sum of five hundred and thirty-four dollars current mo-
ney, for his salary.
Passed Dec 14.
An Act authorising the Sheriff of Caroline County to release from his custody,
and gaol, James M'Carty, Jun. and for other purposes.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by peti-
tion from sundry inhabitants of Caroline county, that James
M'Carty, Jun. is now confined in the gaol of said county for a
certain fine imposed on him, which he is entirely unable to pay;
Sheriff directed to
release him from
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
sheriff of Caroline county be and he is hereby authorised and di-
rected, to release from his custody and gaol, the said James
M'Carty, Jun. and that the levy court of said county, levy on
the assessable property of said county the amount of the fees due
the said sheriff fur keeping and supporting the said James M'Car-
ty, Jun. in gaol, since his commitment, and all other fees for
said fine.