No. 32.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to James Brown, of Montgomery county, or to his order, the
sum of ten dollars, which appears to be the balance due Henry Leake, late of
Montgomery county, deceased, who was a pensioner of this state.
Passed Feb. 16
In favour of James
No. 33.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Richard Hazelip, of Washington county, or his order, during
life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private,
as a further compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Richard
No. 34.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Edward Chambers, of Anne-Arundel county, (a man of co-
lour,) during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay
of a private, as a further compensation for those services rendered by him during
the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Edward
No. 35.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Henry Lord, of Dorchester county, or order, during life in
quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a fur
ther compensation for services rendered during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 15
— of Henry
No. 36.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Nicholas Fitzgerald, of Washington county, or to his order,
during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a
private, as a further compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
— of Nicholas
No. 37.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore he and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Stephen Philips, of Caroline county, a coloured man, or to his
order, for life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of
a private, as a further compensation for his services during the revolutionary
Passed Feb. 16
— Stephen
No. 38.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected to pay to Henry H. Chapman, of George Town, District of Columbia,
or to his order, during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the
half pay of a lieutenant, as a further compensation for his services during the
revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Henry H.
No. 39.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Joseph Duvall, of Montgomery county, an old soldier, or his
order, for life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of
a private, as a further compensation for his services during the revolutionary
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Jos. Duvall.
No. 40.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western short be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Butler Dunning, of Charles county or to his order, during
life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private,
as a compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Butler
No. 41.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Elizabeth Gor-
don, widow of John Gordon, a revolutionary soldier, or her order, in quart
yearly payments, annually, during her life, a sum of money equal to the half
pay of a private.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Elizabeth
No. 42.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore he and he is hereby an
thorised and directed, to pay to Eleanor C. Courts, of Prince-George's county
or order, during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half
pay of a surgeon's mate, as a compensation for those meritorious services ren-
dered by her deceased husband, Doctor Richard Hanley Courts, during the
revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Eleanor C.
No. 43.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to William Byns,
of Dorchester county, or to his order, annually, for life in quarterly payments
the half pay of lieutenant, as a compensation for his services during the revolu-
Passed Feb. 16
—— of William