Be it further resolved, That the commissioners aforesaid shall report their
proceedings under these resolutions to the governor of the state, as soon as
practicable after they shall have executed the duties prescribed to them by these
Be it further resolved, That the governor of the state communicate the pas-
sage of these resolutions, as soon as possible, to the governor of Virginia, with
a request that it may be laid before the general assembly of that state, as soon
as practicable.
Be it further resolved, That the governor be requested to notify, within con-
venient time, each commissioner of his appointment.
Be it further resolved, That each commissioner appointed under these resolu-
tions on the part of this state, shall receive four dollars per day for the time he
shall be necessarily employed in the performance of the duties prescribed by
this act, to be certified by the said commissioners, and that their chain carriers,
and others to be employed by them, shall be entitled to receive such compensa-
tion as the commissioners shall certify to be just and reasonable, and the cost
and charges hereby authorised shall be paid out of any unappropriated money
in the treasury, under the direction of the governor and council of this state;
and the said commissioners are hereby empowered to obtain, in such manner
as they may think best, boats, if necessary, for the purpose of more effectually
carrying the provisions of these resolutions into operation, to be paid for as be-
fore directed.
Passed Feb. 16
In favour of the
No. 27.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Brewer
clerk of the house of delegates, to John N. Watkins clerk of the senate, to John
Robins Pitt assistant clerk of the house of delegates, and to Thomas J. Brice
assistant clerk of the senate, the sum of one hundred dollars each, as an addi-
tional compensation for their extraordinary services during the present session.
Passed Feb. 16
No. 28.
WHEREAS the owners of slaves in this state are frequently subjected to great im-
position and serious inconvenience, from the constant and ready protection af-
forded their runaway negroes by the citizens of Pennsylvania, it is deemed ne-
cessary to call the attention of Congress to the subject. Whenever a runaway
slave is pursued and found in Pennsylvania, every possible difficulty is thrown
in the way, so as to prevent the recovery of such slave; there are persons al-
ways ready to lend every practicable aid in thwarting the just and legal efforts
of the owner in the recovery of his negro. If the colour of legal proceedings
fail, force is not unfrequently resorted to. As the present acts of congress are
not sufficient to protect the rights of our citizens in relation to their negroes, and
since the present state of things is not only vexatious to masters, but extremely
pernicious and calculated to destroy the contentment and happiness of slaves;
Relative to ab-
sconding slaves.
RESOLED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it is the duty of the
Congress of the United States to enact such a law as will prevent a continuance
of the evils here complained of.
RESOLVED, That his excellency the governor be requested to forward imme-
diately, copies hereof to each of our senators and representatives in Congress,
with a request that they will exert their influence in procuring the adoption of
such measures as will effectually protect the rights of slave-holders.
Passed Feb. 16
In favour of John
No. 29.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to John Toomy, of Queen-Anne's county, or to his order, du-
ring life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a cor-
poral, as a further compensation for his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of Wm. Coe.
No. 30.
RESOLVED, That the resolution passed at December session 1819, No. 39,in
favour of William Coe, of Baltimore county, be rescinded
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to William Coe, now of the city of Annapolis, or to his order,
during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a
private of matross, for services rendered during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 16
—— of John WaI-
No. 31.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to John Walker, of Frederick county, or to his order, during
life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a corporal,
as a further compensation for those services rendered by him during the revo-
lutionary war.