the laws compiled by William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John N. Watkins,
Esquires, and to draw on the treasurer of the western shore for such, balance as
may be due him.
No. 18.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay the Reverend John
Emory the sum of one hundred dollars, and to the Reverend H. L. Davis the
sum of one hundred dollars, for their services as chaplains during the present
session, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Feb. 14
In favour of the
No. 19.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Quynn,
door keeper to the house of delegates, the sum of sixty dollars; to Gotleb J.
Grammer, messenger to the senate, the sum of thirty dollars; to Henry Coulter,
door keeper to the senate, the sum of thirty dollars, for taking care of the fur-
niture of their respective rooms.
Passed Feb. 14
——of John
Quynn and others.
No. 20.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the commission-
ers of lotteries, and their clerk, the sum of two thousand two hundred and fifty
dollars, out of the fund paid into the treasury by the managers of the Cathedral
Church Lottery in the city of Baltimore, and that the said commissioners be
charged with the same, as for their salary in the year eighteen hundred and
Passed Feb. 15
——of the lottery
No. 21.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requested,
to cause to be published forthwith for three successive weeks in two or more of
the public newspapers on each shore of this state, the act, entitled, An act to
prevent the destruction of oysters in this state.
Passed Feb. 15
Relative to pub-
lishing law con-
cerning oysters.
No. 22.
RESOLVED, That Captain Lewis Green be and he is hereby requested, to lay
before the governor and council his account of expenses incurred for repairing
four pieces of artillery belonging to the state, and the governor and council are
hereby authorised to make him such allowance therefor, as to them shall appear
reasonable and just, and to draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the
amount of any allowance which they may make to said Captain Green, in vir-
tue of this resolution.
Passed Feb. 15
In favour of Capt.
Lewis Green.
No. 23.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested to publish, as early
as possible, in as many newspapers on each shore as they may deem necessary,
for the information of the people, the supplementary law relative to the stay of
executions, passed at the present session, and that they be requested to transmit
an authenticated copy of said law to the clerks of the different counties.
Passed Feb. 15
Relative to pub-
lishing stay of ex-
ecution law.
No. 24.
RESOLVED, That the clerk of Washington county be and he is hereby re-
leased from the payment of nine per cent, interest, chargeable upon an account
due the state against the said clerk, the same having been paid in full on the 17th
November 1820, including an interest of six per cent And that the said clerk
be also released from the payment of nine per cent, interest on an additional ac-
count due the state, provided the same be paid in full on or before the first day
of October next, with an interest of six per cent.
Passed Feb. 15
In favour of clerk
of Washington
No. 25.
RESOLVED, That Daniel Schnebly, having paid the balance of principal and
interest of six per cent, on the sum due from him to the state, as sheriff of
Washington county, for the years 1816, 1817, and 1818, be and he is hereby re-
leased from the nine per cent, additional intercut incurred by nonpayment of
the principal and interest within the time limited by law.
Passed Feb. 15
— of Daniel
No. 26.
RESOLVED, That the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the
council of this state, shall appoint two commissioners, to meet such commis-
sioners as may be appointed on the part of the state of Virginia, whose duty it
shall be to examine into and report the state of the navigation of the Potomac
river, and its branches, and to inquire into and report the situation and condi-
tion of the affairs of the Potomac Company, the amount and character of its
receipts and expenditures, and to advise and consult with the commissioners on
the part of the state of Virginia, as to the measures most advisable to be re-
commended to, and conjointly adopted by the said states, either for giving aid
to the said company in the further prosecution of the said work, or for the more
effectual improvement, of the navigation of the said river, by such other means
as may be deemed most expedient.
Passed Feb. 16
Relative to Poto-
mac river.