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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 13   View pdf image
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CHAP. 22.

regulate the inspection of tobacco, as if the said warehouse had
been established by the said act, except where it is otherwise pro-
vided by tins act.

Inspector to ac-
count quarterly.

5. And be it enacted. That every inspector appointed and act-
ing as such at the said warehouse, shall account quarterly, or
oftener if required, with the proprietor or proprietors of said
warehouse, for all monies received by such inspector for the in-
spection of tobacco, and shall pay the same quarterly to such
proprietor or proprietors, and if required shall also give bond,
with security to such proprietor or proprietors, to account and
pay as by this act Is required.

Passed Dec 22.


An Act for the Sale of the Real Estate of Leonard Covington, deceased.

WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly by
the memorial of Rebecca Covington and B. L. C. Wailes, the guardi-
ans of the children of Leonard Covington; and Alexander Coving-
ton; and Alexander Covington the administrator of Leonard, deceas-
ed, that the said Leonard Covington died intestate, leaving, at the
time of his death, about thirteen hundred acres of land in Prince-
George's county, consisting of tracts or parts of tracts called
Aquasco and Gallilee, and that he left five children, to wit: Levin,
Rebecca, Benjamin, Susan, and Edward, all of whom are now
minors, among whom and his widow, the said tracts of land at
any time would be incapable of division, and that a sale, thereof
would highly conduce to their respective interests, and have
prayed that a law might pass for that purpose, therefore,

Land authorised
to be sold.

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Benjamin Mackall, Sen. and B. L. C. Wailes, or the survivor
of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
sell the above land at public sale to the highest bidder, on such
terms as the chancellor of Maryland may approve, and that the
widow of the said Leonard Covington shall receive such part of
the proceeds of said sale as the chancellor of Maryland shall de-
termine, in lieu of her dower in the same.

Trustees to con-
vey the same.

2. And be it enacted, That the trustees aforesaid, or the survi-
vor of them, shall forthwith after the sale, report the same to the
chancellor of Maryland, and if it be by him confirmed, the trus-
tees aforesaid, or the survivor, shall, on the payment of the pur-
chase money, convey by deed duly executed, acknowledged and
recorded, the land so sold; and thereupon the purchaser or pur-
chasers shall hold the same, free from all claim in and to the
same whatever on the part of the children aforesaid, and not be-
fore, unless the purchaser or purchasers shall convey on mort-
gage, to the parties aforesaid, other real estate, to secure to them
respectively their proportions of the purchase money, which real
state the chancellor of Maryland may adjudge adequate to the

In case of death of
either of the chil-
dren, how pro-
ceeds to descend.

3. And be it enacted, That in case of the death of either of the
children during the minority of said child referred to in this bill,
then and in such event it is hereby provided that the proceeds of
the said sale, belonging to such deceased child, shall descend as
the land would done had no sale been made.

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Session Laws, 1820
Volume 625, Page 13   View pdf image
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