An Act to authorise the establishment of an additional Warehouse in the City
of Baltimore for the Inspection of Tobacco.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Moses Sheppard, of the city of Baltimore, be and he is hereby
authorised to build at his own expense, upon certain ground front-
ing eighty-two feet six inches on Light-street, and three hundred
and fourteen feet on Conway-street, in the city of Baltimore afore-
said, or on such parts, or so much thereof as may to him appear
to be necessary or proper, a warehouse, for receiving and con-
taining tobacco offered tor inspection, and that said warehouse,
when so built, and the ground on which the same may be erected,
shall bo received and used as a place for the public inspection of
tobacco, in the said city, subject to the provisions hereinafter con-
CHAP. 22.
Passed Dec. 21.
Warehouse autho-
rised to be built.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Moses Sheppard, or those
claiming to hold under him, shall provide and keep constantly in
repair, at his or their expense, beams, screws, scales, weights,
brands and marking irons, and all other things necessary for in-
specting tobacco brought to said warehouse for inspection; and
the said warehouse, when erected and finished, shall be deemed a
public warehouse, and the proprietor or proprietors thereof, or
those claiming under him, her or them, may demand, and shall bo
entitled to receive, one dollar for each and every hogshead of to-
bacco inspected at said ware-house, before such hogshead shall be
removed, as a full compensation for the expense of erecting said
warehouse, and keeping the same in repair, and for providing
proper screws, scales, weights, brands and marking irons, and,
all other things necessary for inspecting tobacco, and for the pay-
ment of the salary or salaries to the inspector or inspectors, as
the proprietor or proprietors of the said warehouse shall agree
to pay; and if any tobacco shall remain in said warehouse above
one year after inspection, the proprietor or proprietors may de-
mand, and shall be entitled to receive, for each and every hogs-
head of tobacco so remaining, the further sum of twelve and a
half cents for every month thereafter.
Beams, screws,
&c. to be kept.
3. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court of Bal-
timore county, or a majority of them, shall, when the said ware-
house shall be erected and finished, and ready for the reception
and inspection of tobacco, nominate and recommend in writing to
the governor and council two persons, or if requested by the pro-
prietor or proprietors of the said warehouse four persons, of
whom the governor, with the advice and consent of the council,
is authorised and required to appoint and commission one out of
the two, or two out of the four, to be the inspector or inspectors
of the said warehouse, in the manner directed by the act, entit-
led, An act to regulate the inspection of tobacco, passed at No-
vember session eighteen hundred and one.
Levy court to no-
minate inspectors.
4. And be it enacted, That the said warehouse when erected,
shall be in all respects under the same regulations as other public
Warehouses for inspection of tobacco in this state are by law;
and the inspector or inspectors of the said warehouse, when ap-
pointed, shall qualify and give bond, and be subject in all respects
to the regulations established by the said act, entitled, An act to
To be under same
regulations as
other public ware-